Community My feelings on SSF4 ultras, how do you guys feel?

By iorilamia — December 6, 2010
Tags: blog ssf4 ultra

a rant

I must say I hate ultras more than I enjoy them. Simply for the fact that I lose to someone hitting a random ultra when I have a huge lead. I'm not gonna be a hipocrite and say I don't win by ultras but, the ridicullous turn arounds are pretty ridiculous, esepcially when certain characters are better than others with normals and specials, but with easier connecting ultras ontop of that ( ex rufus, ryu, not gonna go into detail) just makes it blaaah. Still, love ssf4, and I could do without the ultras. Would be interesting to have an ultra-free online mode, never gonna happen. (kinda like when you could have meter-less ex grooves in CvS2 ;D)

Super Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

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(also stoked for AE!)

iorilamia rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 6, 2010 by iorilamia


ultras are a tool of the game. use them wisely.

shenwoopunch rated Super Street Fighter IV Rent it
Dec 6, 2010 by shenwoopunch


I enjoy the Ultras alot, if the game didn't have them it wouldn't be this much of a success. Take a look at SF3. Not many people played that game, just the hardcore crowd. Capcom made the right decision to have these things that bring casuals into the world of SF. It's Huge Now!

Thanks for posting.

Cinderkin rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 6, 2010 by Cinderkin


I'll never get tired of watching an ultra!

thewiz rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 6, 2010 by thewiz


If you took out ultras.. you'd have... *gasp* Mortal Kombat. LOL.

InfestedOreo rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 6, 2010 by InfestedOreo

grey walrus

Sorry to say that if you're losing to "Random" Ultras you kind of deserve it. It's all about reading your opponent and baiting them into doing what you want.

I'm not saying I don't get hit by random ultra's, but I always know why I did when it happens and grudgingly learn how to avoid it the next time.

grey walrus rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 7, 2010 by grey walrus


if your getting hit by random ultras,you have bigger problems, try blocking

SethTKP has not rated Super Street Fighter IV yet.
Dec 7, 2010 by SethTKP


Having ultra's in this game helps you learn to play more cautiously when you're winning and probably doesn't allow you to use same strategy.

dragonx56 rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 7, 2010 by dragonx56


part of the game just wished the animations weren't short movies and overly ridiculous and stupid like Akuma's roflcopter.

Celcarion has not rated Super Street Fighter IV yet.
Dec 7, 2010 by Celcarion


@Walrus-People get hit by random ultras all the time because they are "random" how do you "read" something that's random?

@infestedoreo- all the other sf didnt have ultra o.o

@sethTKP- my same response to walrus.

thanks for replying guys :D

iorilamia rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 7, 2010 by iorilamia


it's not random when you know it's coming lol.

no one is going to play meterless grooves in CVS2 though but then again no one really plays the game anymore anyway.

just think of it like the near death super moves in KOF 94-96 because capcom used that idea as the foundation for ultras. always expect them and have a plan to shut it down, bait it, or avoid it.

shenwoopunch rated Super Street Fighter IV Rent it
Dec 8, 2010 by shenwoopunch


SSF4 for life cant wait for the DLC

also third strike online is gonna be GODLY

blazemanx rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 8, 2010 by blazemanx


It goes both ways, but yeah I've been gayed out more with ultras then win with them.

SonicZero rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 8, 2010 by SonicZero


no how will you no its coming cause his gauge is up you dont know

kof2012 rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012

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