Community My idea on adding competitive multiplayer to Bulletstorm
By iorilamia —
March 5, 2011
Cliffy B and a bunch of other Jimmy's on the Bstorm site explain how having pvp in Bulletstorm would ruin the game and wouldn't be fair, or if you take out those ridiculous elements that "it wouldn't be Bulletstorm anymore". How about go fuck yourselves?
Bulletstorm doesn't have pvp, plain and simple. Members on Bulletstorm site a long with CliffyB say things like "It wouldn't be fun if you got leashed or hit with a flail gun, if we take those things out it wouldn't be Bulletstorm, it would lose its flare" blah blah blah. No, I got great fucking ideas on how you dick tits could make a excellent PVP segment and still be Bulletstorm.
Okay douche bags, plenty of weapons can still be used. The only restriction is CHARGED SHOTS, since they are overkill and alter bodies of enemies. The one charged shot that can be kept is the bouncer, as long as damage is sincerely nerfed. Weapons in general that can be used are bouncer, flail gun (the npc use it on us in single player, how about making the ammo capacity and damage lower and adding it to MP, or not at all, minor loss), Carbine, the pistol, sniper rifle (WITHOUT the controlled bullet, lol), that huge screw thing (with considerate damage nerf, keeping it as a long range weapon), and the boneduster is fine the way it is. This weapon set is already good enough, on top of that the Minigun could probably be some sort of rare spawn, or purchased with a RIDICULOUS amount of skill points (which I will explain how to integrate later).
Big complaint is that leash and boot won't fit into pvp, wrong broseph, it can. In almost any shooter what do we have when we are low on ammo or close range? Melee. The boot would hit like a melee attack plain and simple. Also in single player there are plenty of explosive barrels and shit to kick around, why not have it in MP? Of course it won't explode the enemy into pieces, but just cause a considerable amount of splash damage. The Leash could be used in two ways. 1 way is to get creative with how you use barrels and other movable shit like dropped weapons for ammo (just like in single player) a second way is drop kits. Every game-mode of Bstorm has a form drop kits as a reward. I say they should be scattered around the MP maps, and you will have points based on your kills, allowing you to get more ammo or whatever. Also obviously no Thumper would be allowed.
Don't have to be that big. 10 man FFA or 5v5 TDM would be fine ( or more like a real shooter would be cool too) The co-op online maps are tiny pansy arenas, of course we would need something a little more open. Which shouldn't be hard, the single player has many of areas with hills, staircases and plenty of room to roam around and find cover. Also we should be able to integrate our custom characters from Anarchy to this mode (no brainer). The run function is fine and so is the sliding, damn sliding under a bridge while other people are shooting at you would be bad ass nice.
So yea, this has been on my mind for a bit and it does seem reasonable while still keeping the specialness of Bulletstorm. I don't know why they made a AMAZING game (gameplay wise and graphics AND content wise) but gave it almost no replay value, not even campaign co-op or ANY form of split screen. On top of that, the netcode for online co-op is worse than KOF 12, yea, that bad, or at least it is for every PS3 user.. Got a weird feeling some sort of douchey expensive PVP dlc could come out in months... or not and they will continue reh-tarded anarchy/echo/leash dlc. Tell me what you guys think, please feel free to add on any ideas, I'd love to see what you guys can come up with. Don't be a jimmy.
Btw if you want to see some jimmy's be jimmy's go here
Release Date:
Feb 22, 2011