Community My Offline Experience with PS3

By iorilamia — May 5, 2011
Tags: blog bulletstorm downtime moon-diver mvc3 offline ps3 red-dead-redemption sad-face ssf4-ae

Playstation Network has been offline for about 2 weeks and that simply sucks. See how it has affected my play-styles and view of offline gaming. What have you been doing with your PS3 the last two weeks?

Oh How I should have traded it in for a PRAYstation while I had the chance; joking.  PSN has been down a while as all of you may know, and it sucks. Right before PSN went down, I bought PS cards to download ArcanaHeart 3, MoonDiver dlc pack 1, and Steel Rain Map Pack for Killzone3. What has really bummed me out was the ArcanaHeart part , no rhyme intended. Could have been learning a new game while PSN was offline. Whch leads me too the off-line gaming I've been doing ever since.

Been buying Odin's Beer offline in Marvel Vs.Capcom 3. For the first time, I've been using training mode as a vs. match (taking away health regenerations and treating it like a real match). Most people I know have been busy with finals week, so not being able to get together to play and not have the option to play online is a double whammy. Playing certain CPU teams on highest difficulty over and over again has made me realize a few things. Fist, I am impatient and screw up pretty badly when people have great defense ; do some unsafe stuff. Second, I don't push block physical attacks at the right situation too often and last, CPU's have the stupidest (and by stupid I mean amazingly beastly) hit-confirms ever. But why does this matter? CPUs aren't as good as high level people that i for sure, but it has definitely stepped up by game. Knowing one mistake leads into a ridiculous combo that won't be missed and will most likely be maximized, knowing as soon as I press a button the game reads it and reacts ridiculously fast to what I do has definitely made me improve. 

Bulletstorm....hooooooooly sh*t I put you in my PS3 again?! Yea, even though MVC3 has taken up most of my offline time, I played a little Echo Mode. Echo was the "multiplayer" game mode where you play parts of the single player and post your highscore on leaderboards. So basically it is only part of a full level, and no cutscenes ; lame. But I didn't care to go through the story again and this was actually fun. Just nonsense violence and remembering how fun it was when i first got the game, messing around with Skillshots. I just had to take a break from the game after how disappointed it made me, and come back to it realizing how much i enjoyed it ; like a bad spouse. The best part was the ultimate eyegazm of the game. When i first bought it, and played on my supr old half-assed TV, I was blown away by the graphics. Last week I got my first HDMI tv with the HD cables... Breathetaking.

Even though I've been obsessed with MVC3 on/offline, I still love SSF4. But the CPU in ssf4 isn't nearly as annoying in Marvel, or good. This lead to me being incredibly bummed out, because the SSF4 players I know work when I am off work, good stuff. Luckily for me, Arcade Edition recently game to Maui (FINALLY!!!!) It was incredibly fun; not really. Was nice seeing first hand how my characters changed and how the new ones felt, but I am a pad player for ssf4. And the only stick I can kind of play on it is the mvc3 from ;) 

(Which is constantly used for mvc3, thanks again guys <3)                        

But the arcade parts we received are complete ass. Instead of a ball-type stick, it's the long joystick type and the buttons are old-crappy re-used ones from the old SF4 machine (or so it seems). In all AE was cool, got to play with a friend who was beasting with E.Ryu but I don't like paying $1 a game on a uncomfortable layout.

I was so bored at one point, I played with one character at a time on Moon Diver, slowly leveling them up (so much faster online). Luckily for me, one night some friends weren't busy, and  we hardcore grinded out some Moon Diving. Been a while since we had the chance and simply was loads of fun. Lots of yelling "OH DUDE" and" shi....NOOOOOO" . Plenty of hype over hack n slash craziness. but even with all the levels we gained, still couldn't beat that stupid Firebird boss....

Last but not least...AMMMMMERRRRRIIIICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Red Dead Redemption was another game whos graphics blew me away on my old crap TV. That being said you already know I had a second eyegazm on my new one. Besides that, I went back to Undead Nightmare and tried to make it a bit more challenging. The first time I played through it it felt way too easy after the first few towns are cleared. So this time I only used the first pistol and a shotgun, and walked into the largest hordes of zombies I can find, seeing how long I can last with carefully aimed shots and barrel rolls. It didn't keep my interest for long but was pretty fun anyway. 

For the most part, that concludes my adventures as I get deeper into my finals in school . Also said some services will be up this week, seeing that it's Thursday I really hope that PSN will be up before Saturday. I am big on online gaming ever since I got my PS3. I used to play gamecube, and when I got a Wii I rarely went online because of how bad it was. So I used to appreciate off-line gaming then, but when I got a PS3 that changed. I can see how I've been spoiled by always wanting to play other people, and how that is a needed experience for me. PSN being down does suck, but it allowed me to enjoy some simplicities of offline that I've been ignoring. Hope you enjoyed reading about my experiences, have anything similar? Share your downed network experience and leave a comment/ write a story. Don't be a jimmy.

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Not being able to get online sucks, and I feel your pain on buying PSN cards and not being able to use them. I started a new plus game on Digaea 3, put Need for Speed Hot Pursuit back in, put a little time in Rockband 3, and I even turned on my 360 for an hour or 2. Once Blazblue shows up I'll put it in and play the shit out of it while and see if I get into it. And right now I'm going to play Darkstalkers 3 for a little bit.

DragonKiss83 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Beat Drake's 1, working on Drake's 2. Hopefully before PSN is back up, something I'll actually want to play on Xbox will be out. Can't wait to update my trophies. Badass Nice!

goukijones rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 5, 2011 by goukijones


This i why you should have spent the 100 bucks to buy a used 360. Fun all the time. Not just when online goes down. I hate PS3. But I can't deny that I would have missed out on some amazing games, like Uncharted, Metal Gear, and God of War. That's what it's always been about. The games!

Cinderkin rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 5, 2011 by Cinderkin


@cinder Exactly, that's how they sell the systems. You make all the good shit exclusive.

DragonKiss83 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83


I remember when PS3 and 360 first came out, it felt like 360 had so many cool exclusives and ps3 had so few games in general >_< Things have kinda balanced out though ;D

iorilamia rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 6, 2011 by iorilamia


I agree that they have balanced out in general, but from my perspective, I only own PS3 exclusives except for FF13 and SSF4. There are a ton of PS3 exclusives, but I only own about 10 games for PS3. Which means that most PS3 exclusives aren't my type of game. I own well over 100 360 games, granted a ton of them are multiplats.

Cinderkin rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 6, 2011 by Cinderkin


I've been playing my wii a lot lately I was thinking of getting Portal 2 or Socom when they came out but didnt and with the outage I didn't get either for the ps3. Got portal for the 360 instead even though I did want the steam copy the ps3 edition came with. I wonder how much Socom sales have been affected with PSN being down.

Hoho23 has not rated PlayStation 3 yet.
May 6, 2011 by Hoho23


@hoho23 And move and 3d. Sony is fucked right now. Is PSN still down?

goukijones rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 6, 2011 by goukijones


Still down...they said some services would be up by this week ; nothing. Unless they are aiming for the weekend.

iorilamia rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 6, 2011 by iorilamia


fuck me and all we're getting is a free download? sad face.

goukijones rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 6, 2011 by goukijones


Still not specified the other "free" goodies we are getting as the weeks progress when PSN is back up. Still only confirmed thing is the free PS+. I feel so lame checking PSblog every hour, only to see BS announcements by some old dudes about legalities.

iorilamia rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 6, 2011 by iorilamia


Recent blog update:
"As you may know, we’ve begun the process of restoring the service through internal testing of the new system. We’re still working to confirm the security of the network infrastructure, as well as working with a variety of outside entities to confirm with them of the security of the system. Verifying the system security is vital for the process of restoration. Additional comprehensive system checks and testing are still required, and we must complete that process before bringing the systems online.
As you’ve heard us say, our utmost priorities are the security of the network and ensuring your data is safe. We won’t restore the services until we can test the system’s strength in these respects."

Here's hoping that the tests will be done before Monday <3

iorilamia rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 6, 2011 by iorilamia


awwwwwwww wth? Hopefully we get the same treatment x,x

iorilamia rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 7, 2011 by iorilamia


Small update on that. We are getting it in the US aswell. 2 free games from a selection of 5 for ps3, and PSP users get 2 free games from a selection of 4.

iorilamia rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 8, 2011 by iorilamia


Glad to hear that. I doubt the games will be that impressive, but it's a nice gesture. But with all that's gone down I'll only use PSN cards from here on out.

DragonKiss83 rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 8, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Brilliant Batrastered, I mean come on PlayStation 3 weeks what are you guys doing.

fnjimmy has not rated PlayStation 3 yet.
May 11, 2011 by fnjimmy


i think i need a pray station lol for prayer

kof2012 rated PlayStation 3 Flush it
May 17, 2011 by kof2012


haha, that link Bat posted actually updates. And has one for XBL

iorilamia rated PlayStation 3 Buy it
May 27, 2011 by iorilamia

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