New Tomb Raider Movie looks just like the Video Game

By goukijones — September 20, 2017
Tags: blog live-action movie

For anyone who was upset that their favorite video game is nothing like the live-action Hollywood version. Well, here you go...

The movie isn't looking bad.  I loved both of these Tomb Raider remakes.  Looking back now I remember both being very similar, but they were both very fun.  This game had a ton of collectibles and it's one of the few I tracked everything down and got 100%.  

Tomb raider poster

She's no Wonder Woman, but the movie is looking good.  I can tell you from here though... I probably won't be running to the theaters on that Friday.  

Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider box art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Mar 5, 2013

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