PlayStation Sony Press Conference 2018 The Last Of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima Gameplay

By goukijones — June 12, 2018
Tags: blog e3-2018 press-conference sony-computer-entertainment

My firsthand account of the Sony PlayStation Press Conference E3 2018.

Playstation had the strangest press conference this year.  The first part was in a tent designed to look like a level from The Last of Us Part II.  I’ve been to these press conferences before, and everybody was complaining it was hot in L.A.  I would not have tolerated one droplet of drip during any of these shows nowadays.  There is no need for separate tents, huge dance numbers, dirt bikes, 100 consoles on stage for no reason.  WTF.  I strongly believe the people planning out the press conferences don’t actually even play video games.  Anyway, The Last of Us Part II looks like it’s going to be as much fun as the first one.

Video Game Company Sucker Punch Productions who previously developed Sly Cooper and the Infamous games, showed off their new game.  Samurai Batman!

Marvel’s Spider-Man game which kind of looks like Spider-Man Batman.  There seems to be a theme going on with a lot of the combat styles.  They all remind me of Batman.  It’s fine, I guess. It’s a good system and it’s fun.  I did play the shit out of LOTR Shadows of War and that game was an exact rip.  My other issues with this Spider-Man footage is that it seemed to be very much linear.  Here’s what the game is going to do.  I don’t know what I’m trying to get at here, but I just think you should be able to make a sudden turn left and miss the interaction with Scorpion. But something like that did not happen in this trailer.  Check it out…

Resident Evil 2.  The way games are made today, I’m not sure if this is a sequel to the game that came out 2 years ago or the game that came out 20 years ago or maybe a brand new game?  After some investigative journalism, I found out it is a remake of part 2 from 20 years ago. BUT, it’s a reimaging so … it will be different.

The most stand out game of the show was Death Stranding.  Gameplay was finally revealed.  It was also revealed that the Normal Reedus character is some kind of space Amazon delivery guy. Never fear, it doesn’t matter how bad the weather or how many toenails he has to rip out, he will get that package delivered!  Personally, I can’t remember any Kojima games I have ever played to completion.  I’ll give this a try, but I don’t think I’m gonna make it.

Let me know what you think about these games and what Kojima games you have completed.
Thanks for reading!

Death Stranding

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