"Power" Trailer - Saints Row: The Third Feat. Kanye FTW

By goukijones — June 1, 2011
Tags: gamestop news saints-row-3 trailer video

CG trailers are beautiful. They're also pointless. Save it for the next consoles Jimmy. Show me what the actual game looks like ... at least a little.

You Jimmys tell me what's up with this game. I played the first Saint's Row and hated it. The second one came out during a time I was playing something else - probably Halo - and didn't spark any interest. I'll be paying attention to see what happens with Saints 3, but until then: Not Hyped! This trailer certainly is cool.

"Power" Trailer - Saints Row: The Third

Saint's Row: The Third

Saints Row: The Third

5 Stories

Release Date: Nov 15, 2011

Buy it! 38% - Rent it! 38% - Flush it! 25%

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