Purple Magic PWNn! "Forspoken" Magic Combat

By goukijones — November 3, 2022
Tags: video

You are a magical parkour damage dealer.

During the last update Forspoken showed off the Parkour magic. Honestly I liked what I saw, but it didn’t really hype me up anymore. Today we get to see the magic combat. Boy does it look sweet. In typical Square Enix/Final Fantasy you have all your traditional magic spells here. There’s stop, confuse, etc, all the ailments. Plus offensive magic like Earth, Fire, and healing. This has been another one of those games that has come after FF7R that just looks like somebody took the shell of FF7R and made another game. Square has done this in the past. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I remember after Final Fantasy XII came out I got every Square rpg for the next year or two that came out hoping to recreate that feeling. I didn’t have much luck. Forspoken is looking pretty pretty good. We’ll find out for sure in January when this game is released.


Forspoken Gouki Box Art

5 Stories

Release Date: Jan 24, 2023

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