"Redfall" E3 2022 Gameplay Trailer

By goukijones — June 24, 2022
Tags: preview

When you say gameplay what do you mean?

Hard for you to believe actual “gameplay” when there is no hud and every scene seems to be canned. Also, who has time to stop and paint their gun purple when the world is possibly ending out. There’s no secret on this website that I love Bethesda, so we’re going to wait to see a little bit more from Redfall. Now you may think that Neo and Trinity have gone rogue in the Matrix and are attacking this small town, but no, it’s just vampires who happened to have an endless supply of trench coats. I get some Left 4 Dead or Back 4 Blood vibes here. The special abilities and the teamwork do look fun in this trailer. We’ll get to play it some time in 2023.


Redfall Gouki Box Art

7 Stories

Release Date: May 2, 2023

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