Salt Fest Announces $250 Pot Bonus for AE & Marvel

By goukijones — February 25, 2013
Tags: news salt-fest

Salt Fest adding money to the pot for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition 2012 & Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3. Salt Lake City - May 10-12, 2013. Pre-register & save.

From Salt Fest: 

I'd just like to let you know that we'd like to keep our preregistration for Salt Fest rolling. So, because of this, we're offering a $250 pot bonus for both Marvel and Street Fighter if we get at least 32 people to sign up for each tournament and buy a badge before March 22nd.

Team Gouki will be attending Salt Fest. We'll see you guys & gals in Utah. Bring your own booze!

Salt Fest also recently announced that Team Hazmat will be attending. Regional competition!

Be sure & check out - PRE REGISTER & SAVE. 

Vote, comment & share. Don't be a Jimmy!

Original source.


Where in Utah do they hold this? SLC? I don't think I've seen this mentioned on SRK yet.

Feb 25, 2013 by kuroukage

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