Seth Killian's Last Day at Capcom will be June 22, 2012

By goukijones — June 19, 2012
Tags: blog capcom news seth-killian

Seth Killian thanks Ono-san, Mark Beaumont, and Niitsuma-san in his farewell letter as a Capcom employee.

Here's a shocker Jimmy. Seth Killian is leaving Capcom as of Friday June 22, 2012. Look, people come and go in all types of positions. I'm sure some of us have worked with a co-worker who was super cool, but one day just stopped coming to work. A few weeks later you find out he's now running his own company somewhere. So here's to Seth Killian buying that THQ studio that just got fired and starting his own game company. He could call it SethWare. That'd be dope. 

This letter might be a little difficult to read for some. That just means it's very serious for us and we get it. Thank You Seth and here is my favorite excerpt.

"to the FGC: In no uncertain terms, you have been my reason for everything. A game can be incredible, but it's the players and where they take it that elevate it into legend. Both as individuals and as a group, you have taught me more than I could have ever thought possible. Every hour on the road and every air mile towards my first million doesn't begin to repay the debt I feel to all of you. You are a family to me."

Shout out to @sNsKid who's Tweet I saw first about this story.

What are Gouki members thinking? What's next for Capcom now? With Ono-san nearly dead and now Seth Killian out, what will be next? Maximilian is going to be the Capcom FGC representative? Don't be a Jimmy! Vote, Comment & Share.


Man the Ono guy getting injured and S. Kill leaving. I hope that Capcom will really think about how they market and sell their games. I love their games but I really can't back up their methods of selling games.

BTW gouki ^^ I finally ordered Halo Wars... will have it by Friday ^^

Jun 20, 2012 by genxsis83


Kind of gives that sinking ship feeling to Capcom. I'm curious to see what he does now that he's running the show.

Jun 22, 2012 by dragonkiss83


I hope for the best for Seth Killian. Capcom is going have to do something to make up for his leaving.

Jun 23, 2012 by Arthvader

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