Skull and Bones Gameplay (Kinda), Context, & Dev Breakdown Trailers

By goukijones — September 12, 2022
Tags: preview

Get ready to take the seas back!

Kinda kinda. No actual hud gameplay trailer. I don’t know why devs allow this and companies still put videos out like this. You can’t really tell what the gameplay is like if you don’t see the controls right? Check out my last story that featured actual Skull and Bones gameplay. Me and the boys getting ready to steal some booty and cannon blast some nuabs when Skull and Bones finally comes out on November 8, 2022. 

Skull and Bones: Gameplay Trailer

Skull and Bones: World Context Trailer

Skull and Bones: Developer Trailer Breakdown

Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones Gouki Box Art

4 Stories

Release Date: Feb 13, 2024

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