"Skull and Bones" Is Alive At Ubisoft & Releasing This Year!
By goukijones —
July 7, 2022
Didn’t expect to see this game again.
Let’s be honest, the last Skull and Bones story on Gouki.com was almost 5 years ago. Ubisoft first showed us Skull and Bones at E3 2017. Then again at E3 2018 and not looking too good, according to my story.
Today Ubisoft released a Cinematic Story Trailer, a breakdown of a 7 minute Gameplay Trailer, and then streamed the game for over an hour. Skull and Bones is looking just too pretty right now. Those were some very refined modern graphics and animations in all of these videos. The player hanging from the bird’s nest and how he swung around and his arm would hang. The story and gameplay is all about leveling up, building up your ship, gathering and maintaining your crew. So they don’t mutiny of course. Can’t wait to watch endless hours of somebody else playing this on stream.
Skull and Bones | Long Live Piracy Cinematic Trailer
Skull and Bones | Gameplay Overview Trailer
Skull and Bones | Worldwide Gameplay Reveal
Release Date:
Feb 13, 2024