Community Skullgirls just keeps looking better.

By DragonKiss83 — March 8, 2011
Tags: blog fighting-game news skullgirls

Get ready for a new fighting game to make a name for itself.

Skullgirls hasa had my attention since I first seen it here,, and I keep getting more interested each time I see it.

I love the hand drawn look that they are giving it and the characters all have some over the top style of their own.  But all fighting games depend on the mechanics more than anything.  They have plans to prevent infinite loops, you will have an option for tag team fights or a single player that's beefed up in vs mode.  They are using the Street Fighter style 6 button input.  But the combos will be easier to pull off than in games like SSF IV.  So I can't wait to give this a try.

What do you think?  Worth a try?  Total waste of time?  Don't be a Jimmy, let's hear what you think.

Thanks Games radar.


Skullgirls box art 360 arcade

18 Stories

Release Date: Apr 11, 2012

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