Community Socom 4 Beta

By DragonKiss83 — March 5, 2011
Tags: beta news ps3 socom socom-4

Info about early access to the Beta.

And here comes yet another shooter.

Socom 4 : US Navy Seals will start the Private Beta March 15.  Next up will be the PlayStation Plus Jimmys on March 22.  Then you Jimmys with the Beta code from Killzone 3 will have a crack at it on March 29.  Finally your avereage PS3 Jimmy will get their hands on it Appril 5th.  And on April 13 the game will be out on the shelves.

Source :

"The beta will have two maps available, “Port Authority”, and “Assault & Battery”. Each of the four modes, Suppression, Last Defense, Uplink, and Bomb Squad will be playable in either classic, or standard versions."

Don't be a Jimmy.  Lets hear what you think.  And use the share button at the bottom to help get this out there for the other Jimmy's


SOCOM 4 box art

6 Stories

Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

Buy it! 10% - Rent it! 30% - Flush it! 60%

A lot of people were complaining how the pre-order got third, but I think it's alright, let the jimmy's with ps+ go before, its such a waste,lol.

All the gameplay ps blog and ign has been showing has got me interested, only Beta will tell ;D

iorilamia rated SOCOM 4 Flush it
Mar 5, 2011 by iorilamia


Being able to give voice commands was the highlight of the series, but that was also when I was more into FPS games. This will get a try, but that is most likely where it'll end. I am looking forward to getting Battlefeild 3 though.

DragonKiss83 rated SOCOM 4 Flush it
Mar 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83

grey walrus


grey walrus rated SOCOM 4 Flush it
Mar 5, 2011 by grey walrus


i love socom games real hard to play if you havent played them before

kof2012 has not rated SOCOM 4 yet.
Mar 8, 2011 by kof2012


If you build a decent team online for a FPS you can get some good strategy going, but Socom is all about strategy. This is a FPS series that gives focus to a solid story mode experience, but they are going to have to make a strong multi player if they want to compete with the million other games that are on the way or here already.

DragonKiss83 rated SOCOM 4 Flush it
Mar 11, 2011 by DragonKiss83


And after the beta it's confirmed I have no interest in picking this up.

DragonKiss83 rated SOCOM 4 Flush it
Apr 10, 2011 by DragonKiss83


When will they kill this series of? Unless they are going to hook-up with Disney and do a Seal Team 6 game.

DragonKiss83 rated SOCOM 4 Flush it
May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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