Tags: peripheral ps3-exclusive sharpshooter socom sony-computer-entertainment zipper-interactive


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Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

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SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (also known as SOCOM: Special Forces in PAL regions), is a 2011 third-person tactical shooter video game developed by Zipper Interactive and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation 3. SOCOM 4 is the first SOCOM title released by Zipper for PlayStation 3.



SOCOM 4 "Not for Self" MP Trailer

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SOCOM 4 U.S. Navy SEALs Full Deployment Edition

  • Includes: SOCOM 4 U.S. Navy SEALs Bluray disc, PlayStation Move motion controller, PlayStation Move navigation controller, PlayStation Eye camera, PlayStation Move sharp shooter
  • PlayStation Move and the SharpShooter provides the most intuitive and immersive gameplay experience for SOCOM 4
  • Control the battlefield as the fearless Operations Commander
  • Take aim in an all new 32-person multiplayer

PlayStation 3 SharpShooter

For more information on this gun peripheral and more options check out this story: Playstation 3 Gun peripherals galore, which will you choose?

Pre-order Bonus

This bonus is available at:

Amazon (Pre-order the standard edition of SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals and get $10 off a future video game purchase.)

GameStop (GameStop Exclusive Abandoned Map - This popular "Suppression" map from SOCOM 1 and 2 makes a comeback in SOCOM 4. Abandoned takes place in the daytime around an ancient Thai village deep in the misty jungle. Fight your way over dense hillsides, through dark caves, and into the close-quarters mayhem of the archeological site. Classic SOCOM heritage meets evolved SOCOM 4 action.

Online Customers: A code and instructions on how to redeem your in-game items will be emailed when the game releases.)


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