SSF4 AE: Oni Developer Blog
By Cinderkin —
April 12, 2011
The latest Japanese Developer Blog has been posted this time featuring Oni. Check it out!
-Kuruoshiki Oni (which I shall translate as Batshit-Insane Oni) was created to be beyond Shin Akuma
-Created using Akuma as a base, but because of his different appearance, techniques, properties, etc., he's pretty much an entirely different character
-Higher health, stun than Akuma
-Does not have close/far normals, similar to Makoto or Dudley
-About half of his normals are new
-Some of his normals are similar to Akuma's, while others are not, so try to figure out where and how to use them
-Steps forward while doing an upward diagonal palm thrust
-Forces stand
-At close range, will combo with Tatsu
-Has better reach than st.LP and has a strong upward-reaching hitbox, so at the proper distance, can be used as anti-air
-6F start-up, 4F active, 17F recovery. Won't link from any of his normals, but since you can use it for an easy combo as part of Target Combo 2, it will get frequent usage
-Takes a large step forward while doing a palm thrust to the midsection
-Has the longest horizontal reach of his normals
-Even on block it's difficult to punish because of the distance, so it's effective as a poke
-Has projectile properties, so can neutralize projectile attacks. Won't work against multi-hitting projectiles, however
-11F startup, 6F active, 18F recovery; +0 on hit, -9 on block
-At close range, does two hits
-Relatively fast start-up, and has reach, so you can use it as a poke, but use with caution, as it will whiff against crouching opponents from a distance
-First hit is special- and Super-cancellable.
-5F start-up, 1F active (first hit) 4F active (second), 14F recovery
-Can link from st.LP, other attacks
-Does a spin while performing a forward roundhouse kick
-Has the second longest reach, after F+HP
-Different from F+HP, as it keeps Oni moving forward after the motion, so intentional whiffs can be an effective way to close in
-Rather slow start-up for a MK, so it's best to not abuse it
-12F start-up, 2F active, 13F recovery; +2 on hit, -2 on block
-A high back roundhouse, in a similar motion to Ryu's st.HK
-Knocks down against air opponents, so you can follow up with certain specials in the corner
-Spaced properly, you can hit your opponent out of the start of a forward jump
-A crouched spinning sweep
-8F start-up, 2F active, 24F recovery
-Won't link with any of his normals, but has good reach and a strong hitbox
-On block, can be punished with Ultra Combos by nearly all characters, so it's best to use it from a far distance, where it's difficult to punish
-B+MP (Ganka Uchi)
-Fast, links from st.LP (and other attacks)
-Special- and super-cancellable
-TC1: F+LP → st.MP
-TC2: B+MP → st.HP
-Both are cancellable
-Can used for various combos, but since too many hits will affect total damage, use it based on the match-up and your own preference
-Special moves: Gohadoken, Gorai Hadoken (Roaring Thunder Hadoken), Zanku Hadosho (air dash), Goshoryuken, Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, Air Tatsu, Sekisei Jiraiken (Red Star Landmine Fist, aka fist pound), Rakan Dantojin (Arhat Tower Slice Blade, aka palm slice).
-All except Zanku Hadosho have EX versions
-Tatsu and Palm Slice are Armor-Break
Explanation of some EX move properties:
EX Gohadoken
-The normal version is chargeable, will reach full-screen and hit twice, but the EX version already has those properties and is not chargeable
-Doesn't knock down ground opponents, so you can create various combos from FADCs
EX Rakan Dantojin (Palm slice)
-MK version has projectile-invincibility only during the forward movement at start-up, but the EX version is projectile-invincible until the end of active frames
-Slow technique, so if you're too far away, you'll go through the fireball but won't hit your opponent in time
EX Sekisei Jiraiken (Fist pound)
-Normal version is one hit, can be blocked low, but the EX version is two-hit, overhead on the first hit only
-Has a prolonged hitbox when his fist hits the ground, so depend on how it hits, it can be difficult to punish even when blocked
-Knocks down, so you can follow up the attack with a combo
-Super Combo is Shun Goku Satsu (Raging Demon).
-Can also be done in the air, but only hit air opponents. Like the ground version, can be kara-cancelled
-UC1 is Meido Gohado, UC2 is Tenchi Sokaigen
-UC1 does 350 damage from a distance, but 450 point-blank
-UC1 gives you access to Messatsu Gotenha (upward fireball version) and Messtasu Gozanku (air fireball version). Neither do particularly high damage, but find ways to use them and include them in your fighting strategy
-UC2 does high damage, is projectile-invincible
-At close range, a hit will lock your opponent in the cinematic
-Doesn't do much damage outside of the cinematic, so move in close when using the move
-Can be comboed from FADCs, so we recommend players who prefer damage to use this UC
-525 damage on a clean hit (i.e. the second most-damaging UC in the game, only surpassed by oiled Hakan's Oil Coaster)
-Like Evil Ryu, the boss version in Arcade Mode has totally different properties"
Source: SSF4 Developer Blog
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Apr 27, 2010