SSF4 Arcade Edition Will Be at EVO 2011!

By Cinderkin — April 12, 2011
Tags: evo-2011 ssf4-ae ssfiv-ae super-street-fighter-iv-arcade-edition

With the official release date for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, the guys that run Evolution (the tournament of all tournaments) has changed SSF4 to Arcade Edition for this year.

"We are happy to announce that we will be switching the EVO 2011 Street Fighter 4 tournament to use SSF4 Arcade Edition! AE's June 7th release date will give players nearly two months of training to prepare for EVO on July 29th. We look forward to seeing the best fighters in the world come together to battle it out on another great Street Fighter title. If you haven't registered for EVO yet, now is your chance to save $20! Our early bird special for registration expires May 1st, so register now at "

CEO 2011, the Evo Tournament Season event in Orlando Florida, is also switching over to Arcade Edition.

This is great news for a lot of people. I for one feel that this isn't exactly fair for the thousands of gamers who only get 2 months to practice, while a lot of pro's have been in the arcades since last year. At least last year everyone got Super at the same time. Either way I can't wait to see how this turns out for this years EVO. will be there and we hope to see you guys  there too. Don't be a Jimmy!


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