Community SSF4:AE My Yun and Yang Analysis (UPDATE)
By iorilamia —
December 17, 2010
son of a...BITCH DAIGO!
So, Bl34tm4n on youtube has uploaded tons of decent quality yun and yang videos (link here After watching all his yun and yang vids i put together my own analysis and comparisons on the chars. What do you guys think? Leave a Comment below :D
(btw I dont know much about fei,gen or rufus, which basically make up alot of yun and yangs movelist, so please make your own comparions and stuff too )
UPDATE: even though yun has a better super, yangs slashes hit multiple times(even if its just one) during his super, applying more chip. also yangs teleport recovery is similiar to juri's? YANG CAN PUNISH BLANKA BALLS WITH U2. he can also punish blanka balls with ex slashes and ex teleport is decent on wakeup. Yun can EX AA into rush. palm atacks can be cancelled. Yang has sweet shoes. Even though Yangs U1 has like no reach (pretty much kara grab range?) it goes through fireballs :D
Starting with Yun, holy shit I can see how Daigo got 16,000BP and an 89% win rate in one day. (who the fuck knows what he has now....btw he has YET to make a ryu play card, it's been 100% yun)
-Yun's Dive Kicks are extremely good, annoying,and applying tons of pressure( they are noticibly slower than rufus's). Also yun can follow the dive kicks up with pretty good pokes and some specials. Also to make it even more Rufus like, yun can dive kick into target combo into FULL ULTRA 1. It's a easy combo thats going to destroy people. yet, since it is such a ridiculous combo, their is scaling to it, so it isnt too ridiculous, but pretty ridiculous. Divekick,lp lp, lk rush non counterhit took off 25% of chuns health.
-Yun's shoulder attack(similiar to Guy's) is much better. Damage is similiar but Guy's is incredibly slow when it is not EX, while Yun's comes out at pretty good speeds. And it is SAFE on block. Low LK(or maybe just LK) to LK shoulder is a sneaky little combo.
-genei-jin and palm attack. People tried to make the excuse that an overpowered genei-jin would be ok because it is hard to build meter, epsecially with how important ex moves and fadc are in this game. Well not when Yun's palm attack builds hefty meter like no other. It not only builds meter fast but it is safe from a distance and has major priority concerning people trying to stop you AND cancels out projectiles. The super only lasts about 10 seconds though.
The Genei-Jin is pretty much like the 3s version. Honestly it is much better than Juri's FSE for easily noticable reasons. First genei-jin has super freeze and comes out rather fast. You will see many yuns dive kick into normal combos and do the super even while the opponent is blocking, simply because you can continue to rush them down right afterwards and ultimately score an overhead or low hit into massive combo. Yun's pokes are also way more effective than Juri's in this state. Also juri cannot do atack combos into her fse and conintue a combo or apply pressure. Also, the lk -> lk shoulder combo i mentioned above, can sucessfully link into super and a continued combo (fucking balls)
Dashing punch even when its not ex(possible FP version) travels incredibly fast and almost full screen, can be a great suprise atack. On block the atack seems like juri's dive kick. only thing you can safely do is block if your opponent blocks it, most likely your poke will loose, BUT, after a blocked one you can super freeze with your super and apply the pressure.
Yun's anti air goes retarted high.
overhead is fucking smooth, just like in 3s.
YANG! (BEST LOOKING FOCUS ATACK EVER! mantis style bitches)
divekicks on both characters do not break armor. and are not overheads.
Well, the backdash and palm atack are seemingly the same. But his jumping seems to travel further.
divekick not as safe as Yuns on block, OR it could be that yun has better folow-up normals.
comand grab. gotta be in that ASS for the command grab, like, super close for that shit to work. (same for yun)
Rolling attack into anti air. But it travels very fast across the screen rolling(likes Gens roll) but into a AA, seems extremely sucessful vs fireballs. but the most unsafe thing ever. Also the rolling atack can be linked into slashes or just nothing, not sure if you can grab after, could be a nice mixup.
Slashes. Yangs LP slashes work great in little combos and are safe. really similiar to fei's punch combos and hit confirming from 1,2,3.
Seiei Enbu. Hm...seems like yun's normals work alot better than yangs. Yang doesn't seem to have the same gaurenteed combo's as his broha.
Big disadvantage after U2 is blocked, yang kinda stands their for like 2 seconds.
sweep seems just like ken's
teleportdash- flashy and fast, travels alot further than ibuki's and is more confusing, looks fun.
I like Yang better but, Yun seems to have more pressure and alot of pro's are preferring him, blah (even in 3S)
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Apr 27, 2010