Tentacle Pornz in Tekken Tag 2? Still T Rated Jimmy!

By cinderkin — August 16, 2012
Tags: blog screenshots

Here are some new screens of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Jimmy! Is that Anna dressed like a squid? Some Crazy Stuff going on Jimmy!

Tekken Tag 2 is right around the corner and we have been “blessed?” with new screens of the game. Some of these new costumes are well..... ridiculous! Check them out below!

Anime Pornzzzz?

Say What Jimmy?

Not sure what to think here.

Is that ZUBAZ Jimmy?

Zone of Enders or Tekken?

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Don't mess with Spider-Man's ex girlfriend


I'm looking forward to the next Tekken game. What about you? Any favorite costumes here Jimmy? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!



Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Sep 11, 2012

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