The Rock VS Stone Cold Steve Austin in a Flaming tables match

By goukijones — November 20, 2010
Tags: exclusive exclusive-video simulation smackdown-vs-raw-2011 stone-cold-steve-austin table-match the-rock wwe

Simulated with Smackdown VS Raw 2011. The Rock VS Stone Cold Steve Austin in an incredible flaming table match! First one to put his opponent through a flaming table wins. Very exciting.

Smackdown VS Raw 2011 allows for you to create whatever matches you want as long as there is no special guest referee and you don't want to put a random belt on the line. When I saw The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin (two of my personal favorites of all time.) And the option to do a flaming table match. I had no choice, but to set it up and let the computer play it out. What are the results? Well you will just have to watch and see.

The Rock VS Stone Cold Steve Austin Flaming tables match

WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011

WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Gouki Box Art

21 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 26, 2010

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