Community This Week on Xbox Live 8-13-2013

By Arthvader — August 13, 2013
Tags: deal-of-the-week deals deals-jimmy xbox-360 xbox-live

A list of what's to come this week on Xbox Live.

It's been a long time since I last done this. Let's go see what's available this week on Xbox Live:

Deal of the Week (Exclusive to Gold Members only):

Hitman HD Pack - $14.99 (1200 MSP) (40% Off)

Just Cause 2 - $14.99 (1200 MSP) (40% Off)

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - $14.99 (1200 MSP) (40% Off)

Hitman: Blood Money - $9.99 (800 MSP) (50% Off)

El Shaddai - $4.99 (500 MSP) (75% Off)

Game Add-ons:

Zatanna - 400 MSP

Compat Pack 6: Cyborg Superman Skin - Free

The Brigmore Witches - 800 MSP

BGM Pack 2 - 160 MSP

Games on Demand:

Metro: Last Light - $49.99 (4000 MSP)

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed - $29.99 (2400 MSP)

Midway Arcade Origins - $19.99 (1600 MSP)

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 - $34.99 (2800 MSP)

Xbox Live Arcade:

Charlie Murder - 800 MSP

Flashback - 800 MSP

What do you think about this week's deals? Leave your Comments down in the bottom. Don't forget to Vote and Share, and Don't be a Jimmy!!!


Other Stories by Me:

Arthvader Fights: Darkstalkers Resurrection: Matches from Darkstalkers 3 3-25-2013

Arthvader Fights: Darksalkers Resurrection: matches from Night Warriors 3-15-13

Borderlands 2: Mayhem Approaches Teaser Trailer

Arthvader Fights: Darkstalkers Resurrection: matches from Darkstalkers 3

Halo 4 Playlist Update 2/4/2013


What are the free games?

Aug 13, 2013 by goukijones


That sonic racing game is legit. Recommended.

Aug 13, 2013 by BatRastered


@goukijones I almost forgot about that. I'll go add it.

EDIT: it seems I can't edit my story. if you can add this then:

Games For Gold:
Aug. 16 - 30
Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero

Aug 13, 2013 by Arthvader

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