Community Halo 4 Playlist Update 2/4/2013

By Arthvader — February 2, 2013
Tags: 343-industries halo-4 news update xbox-360

Players will be able to to experience Doubles and more in Halo 4 this coming week. see some of the details here.

Once Feb.4 comes by, the Team Doubles playlist will be available in Halo 4. Here's what you can expect from this playlist, as well as some other changes that is going on in this update:

Infinity Doubles: This gametype will offer the Infinity Slayer experience in 2 v 2 battles. Within this variation, players will have the option to choose their custom loadouts, while Instant Respawn and Radar will be enabled. Personal Ordinance will kick in at the traditional 70 point mark, but will be tweaked specifically for Team Doubles. Games of this type are played up to 300 points.

Doubles Pro: A gametype that features preset loadouts. The score limit is the same as Infinity Doubles, but the Radar, Personal Ordinance, and Instant Respawns are disabled. Here are what your preset loadouts will be:

Loadout 1:


Starting Weapon - DMR
Secondary Weapon - Magnum
Armor Abilities - None
Tactical Mod - Resupply
Support Mod - Dexterity

Loadout 2:


Starting Weapon - BR
Secondary Weapon - Magnum
Armor Abilities - None
Tactical Mod - Resupply
Support Mod - Dexterity

Loadout 3:


Starting Weapon - LightRifle
Secondary Weapon - Magnum
Armor Abilities - None
Tactical Mod - Resupply
Support Mod - Dexterity

Loadout 4:


Starting Weapon - Carbine
Secondary Weapon - Magnum
Armor Abilities - None
Tactical Mod - Resupply
Support Mod - Dexterity


CTF Doubles: The ever-popular Capture the Flag gametype, modified for 2 v 2 matches. Custom loadouts and radar are enabled, and the respawn time will be set to 10 seconds. Flag settings will provide an optimial experience across small maps and teams: 5 flags to win, 3 second return, and 15 second reset. Also, you flag doesn't need to be at base to score.

The Capture the Flag playlist will also be seeing some updates as well as Relay and Exile will be added to the playlist. Also, The flag reset time on Adrift, Abandon, Solace, and Relic will be reduced to 15 seconds to account for the smaller map sizes. In addition, they will be adding Infinity CTF to the voting options. with this Variation, you will be able to call out  Personal Ordinance in order to add variety, support, power, or heck, even chaos to the game.

Also, this coming week will be the unlocking of the Rouge and Tracker specializations. Here's what to expect from these two specializations:

Rogue: Spartan optimization for single-operative missions which require a lone Spartan to be deployed on their own for incredibly long durations of time, even years if required. The Stability armor mod allows users to increase their aiming stability when being fired upon.

Tracker: Spartan optimization for long-range target tracking (trans-continent and off-world), particularly in scenarios where conventional tracking has failed or such a substantial time has passed that the trail has gone cold. The Requisition armor mod allows users the ability to recall their own ordnance requests in order to acquire more helpful weapons in the field.


With the arrival to Team Doubles, The Community Forge Test playlist will be taking a break for a while. It will come back at a later date with more maps, and even team sizes and gametypes.

What do you think of this update? Leave your comments down in the bottom. Don't forget to Vote and Share, and Don't be a Jimmy!!!

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