Community Borderlands 2: Mayhem Approaches Teaser Trailer

By Arthvader — March 14, 2013
Tags: 2k-games borderlands-2 dlc gearbox pax-east video

Gearbox has brought out a teaser video for Borderlands 2 with brief glimpses of the new Vault Hunter.

Here's what the Youtube Description says:


For a look at this mysterious new vault hunter, details on the upcoming level cap increase and more, come check out the Gearbox Software panel at PAX East on 3/24/13 at 12:30pm ET in the Main Theatre!

I can't wait to hear what this new Vault Hunt has got to offer when they officially announce him. based on the teaser, I believe that he's going to have some wicked meele abilities that we haven't seen before. I also can't wait to hear when we will finally be getting that all-important Lvl Cap increase. As long as they raise the cap, I'll be fine. I'm also thinking that we might be hearing something about the fourth expansion as well. What will it be based on? Where will we be heading off to? Who'll be the main centeral character in this expansion? I just can't wait to know more about it as time rolls on.

What do you think of this teaser video? are you going to use this new Vault Hunter when he get's released? what are your thoughts about the lvl cap increase? Leave your comments down in the bottom. Don't forget to vote and share, and Don't be a Jimmy!

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