Welcome To The World Of "Redfall" Official Trailer

By goukijones — February 21, 2023
Tags: preview

You’ll wish you were one of us.

The whole world is changing. Starting with Redfall. I’ve been waiting for this four player game since I saw it when it was announced. From the studio that brought you Dishonored and Deathloop. Now we get to experience their game design with friends. There’s always a thing with me when I love certain single player games, that I wonder how it would be with friends. So my hopes are high, the Gouki squad is down to play this when it comes out. This trailer is hype. The music gets me going. There’s tons of views of the town and a lot of combat shown off. So good luck to Arkane! Let’s get it! Order Redfall now! Get it on Game Pass.


Redfall Gouki Box Art

7 Stories

Release Date: May 2, 2023

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