Worst Deal for Gamers Jimmy Gems nominees

By goukijones — December 13, 2010
Tags: blog jimmy-gems nominees

Do not pay full price for video games. These are the biggest rip offs for gamers this year.

Move controllers

You realize that some of these games require 2 of the same ball controller, like the boxing. I know, so what, right? Add it up. Move basic kit that comes with a game, the controller and the eye toy. $100. The Navigation controller if you want to play whatever games need this. $30. Then you need a second Move controller. $50. And then finally if you want to play that stupid boxing game, you need the game. $50. Total = Broke ass.

Bioshock 2 DLC

This is when every gamer knew we were totally being lied to by our publishers.

Kinect $50 extension cord

Wow really Microsoft?! That's just wrong. I hate cables. They are a Rip-off.

Super Street Fighter IV costumes

I like the costumes. Releasing a bunch of packs slowly and then a final pack at the end with all of them in it for a cheaper price is just wrong. Let me pay that price up front and as they release just let me DL them. Jimmy ass!

Online play codes

This bullshit is alienated the other half of the gaming community. The part of the community that buys games used or gets them from friends long after the game comes out. The part of the community that is excited to play with me, a game that I'm still playing because I enjoy it so much. Online play codes are the biggest bullshit.

Xbox Live price increase

Xbox Live annual cost was raised from $50 to $60. Unbelievable. I never thought we would see an increase. Most titles run on dedicated servers. And don't get me started on Online play codes fucking gamers in the ass.

Microsoft says it's for Kinect and that we'll have access to ESPN 3. I don't have a kinect and I don't have ANY need to watch ESPN 3. There should be an option for gamers who strictly just want to play online. ie Halo, COD, NFSHP. I don't need access to anything else on Xbox Live except my friends. 

Winners will be announced December 29th. Did we leave anything out? What's your favorite? Leave a comment below! AND don't forget to vote for your favorites in our Video Game Catalog.

Make sure you check out the complete list of 2010 Jimmy Gems nominees.


I'd hesitate to call them "winners" in this category. Lol. Yeah, I don't need ESPN3

Dec 13, 2010 by BatRastered


xbox live price increase without a doubt

Dec 13, 2010 by blazemanx


I'm going with the Live increase in price. A close second is Online codes. I have roommates who can't play the games that I buy online, unless they shell out 10 bucks. The term borrowing a friends game has gone out the window!

You forgot Playstation Plus by the way. Charging for "Premium Content" Premium my ass.

Dec 13, 2010 by Cinderkin


Extension cord I'd have to say. Even though live increased their price, its still worth it considering how much time I log in a month.

Dec 13, 2010 by ThaBrad


Xbox Live price increase pissed me off. Do not know if I will be renewing it when my subscription ends next August.

Dec 13, 2010 by akskiller


BS move prices reminding me of buying those godamn WII accesories years back....

Dec 13, 2010 by iorilamia

grey walrus

It's a toss up between the online pay codes and the increase in price for XBL, but since I haven't had to deal with the codes yet I'm gonna give it to the XBL price increase.

Dec 13, 2010 by grey walrus


All of these are ripoffs.

Dec 14, 2010 by shenwoopunch

DE bad shot

deff the xbox price increase, i cant even use all the shit that they raised the price for here in canada

Dec 14, 2010 by DE bad shot


definitely the xbox live price increase. I mean, really, increase the price just because of a couple of new features, such as ESPN, and Hulu, if I'm not mistaken.

Dec 15, 2010 by Arthvader


Yeah WTF microsoft $50 for a cord.

Dec 16, 2010 by Fnjimmy


I went with the family pack. Its the best deal right now.

Dec 16, 2010 by erikestrada


Modder heard.

Dec 16, 2010 by goukijones


boxing games are alright i prefer rpg anyday before i play boxing

Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012

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