WTF did they just nerf my Tron? UMvC3 gameplay from PAX 2011
By goukijones —
September 1, 2011
Tron is my favorite character in Marvel VS Capcom 3. While playing UMvC3 I noticed that the chains just weren't there anymore. Jimmy don't like that!
FnJimmy and I had the pleasure to square off against one another in UMv3 a few times over the weekend. We have our first match on tape and you can watch that below. But before you do, I would like to clarify that I do not like anything about UMvC3 except that it has more characters that I might want to use.
Tron is definitely not the same, the simple drill into medium attack, repeat and carry on combo is gone. You can clearly see in the video me attempting to do it. Maybe the timing is different in UMvC3, maybe not, I was struggling for sure. I don't like the health bars. I'm totally confused which is which, it's dark and hard to see, especially when everything in UMvC3 is already moving fast enough and is all over the screen.
I used Dr. Strange and Nemesis and you can see my PWNn with Strange in the video below, but not so much with the Nemesis. I don't like him too much. Another time we played I used Ghost Rider again(I used him at EVO.) Ghost Rider is cool, Hulk don't like that chain reaching across the map and neither does FnJimmy. So if my Tron truly is nerfed, it be Ghost Rider stepping in as of now. Don't be a Jimmy! Watch the video and leave some comments below. And don't forget to hype the UMvC3 up on the catalog page.
GoukiJones VS FnJimmy UMvC3 PAX 2011 World Championship
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Nov 15, 2011