WWE Money In The Bank 2011 SDvR AI Prediction Matches

By goukijones — July 16, 2011
Tags: brie-bella exclusive-video kelly-kelly mitb money-in-the-bank ppv rey-mysterio sdvr11-ppv the-miz video wrestling wwe

Last PPV the AI got 6 out of the 7 matches we simulated correct. You have got to see these MITB matches. Pure amazement and glory. Sheamus run up the ladder freak out glitch. How many of these winners will actually win at the WWE MITB 2011 PPV? Jimah!

The matches are from the official WWE.com card as of 7/16/2011. Matches are subject to change.

Special Note: We used the NXT arena, because a MITB Arena is not available in SDvR2011.

SmackDown Money In The Bank Ladder Match*

This video was shorter than the RAW MITB match. We cut Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel from the match because the games does not allow 8-man matches. Also there's a part where Sheamus throws a ladder in the ring and bounces off of two Jimmys heads and then back out of the ring. Also check out where Sheamus RUNS up two ladders to do an elbow drop. Amazing. Our Sin Cara & Daniel Bryan are custom CAWs. 

Divas Championship Kelly Kelly VS Brie Bella

Look at this screen cap below. 'nuff said. 

Big Show VS Mark Henry

RAW Money In The Bank Ladder Match*

We got our custom Alex Riley and Alberto Del Rio CAWs here. Santos! Our R-Truth has a custom ring entrance that I edit in post production along with A-Ry. We cut Evan Bourne & Jack Swagger from this match because we think they have the least ammount of chance to win. This match went on for over 40 minutes. It was ridiculous. 

World Heavyweight Championship Randy Orton VS Christian

WWE Championship John Cena VS CM Punk

John Cena in the red shirt is DLC and for some reason he will not take his shirt of while he wrestles. I'm sorry Jimmys, I don't know what to tell you. We did not program the game. Don't be a Jimmy!

Thanks for watching. Please leave a comment. 

*SmackDown VS Raw 2011 has a 6 man maximum. Doing an 8 man ladder match is impossible. 

WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011

WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Oct 26, 2010

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this is exactly how i have it except i have kelly kelly retaining and as for the MITB matches i have alberto del rio as the winner and smackdown i have wade barrett

blazemanx rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Buy it
Jul 16, 2011 by blazemanx


I might have to pick up another wrestling game because now my son wants to play them again. I feel like an old guy watching these because I just keep going "who the fuck is that?", I know a few of the wrestlers, but most of them have joined since I stopped watching years ago.

dragonkiss83 has not rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 yet.
Jul 17, 2011 by dragonkiss83


lolol @ sheamus. He was a beast in that match.

Glad the video didn't make me sit through more than 5 seconds of John Cena.

choke has not rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 yet.
Jul 17, 2011 by choke


Turns out that Cena/Punk match was the best of the actual PPV. Great PPV overall too. 4/6 predictions correct, and the order of matches 100% correct.

BatRastered rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Rent it
Jul 17, 2011 by BatRastered


cm punk vs John cena is going to be beast

kof2012 rated WWE SmackDown VS Raw 2011 Flush it
Jul 20, 2011 by kof2012

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