X Men Destiny videos Asian chicks playing white girls .. no wait

By goukijones — August 11, 2011
Tags: news trailer video

Marvel is slowly trying to make better games I think, like they have been making better movies. X Men Destiny looks like an Infamous type game to me. The graphics look like a huge sad face, but how does it play?

Here's the trailer in all of it's Nintendo 64 glory.

Jaime Chung plays a 15 year old Japanese girl who just came from Japan. Don't worry her English is so good, you won't even know it was an Asian girl doing the voice.

Remember that show Heroes on NBC, well this is what one of those Jimmys is up to.

Please stop asking me if it's the same guy from Milo and Otis. I don't know. 

I don't know who this Jimmy is either, but I'm sure he's thrilled to have a job. He voices Cole in X Men Destiny.

Don't be a Jimmy! Write a story on Gouki.com about why you are hype about X Men Destiny.


X-Men: Destiny

X-Men Destiny Box Art

8 Stories

Release Date: Sep 27, 2011

Buy it! 22% - Rent it! 67% - Flush it! 11%

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