XCOM Behind Closed Doors [E3 2011 Exclusive]
By goukijones —
June 11, 2011
Exclusive Pictures from behind closed doors. Gouki.com got the world famous treatment from 2K Games at E3 2011 and one of the games I saw demod live right in my face was XCOM. Completely different from last year. This is my new Brink!
I certainly had the privilege to see XCOM in the 2K booth this year at E3. Last year XCOM was a FPS action game, that looked like it didn't have much to offer. This year, what I saw was a completely different game. My session was hosted by a developer or producer of the game, I can't remember his name, I nubbed it up and didn't write it down or get a card from him. He reminded of Kramer, from Seinfeld. He was great. I understand that knowing his name would have helped out a lot more with this next quote.
"The game is now a lot more like Final Fantasy Tactics" He explained in reference to the party system.
I spoke to -again I can't find his name, I apologize- He told me the game may even let you send out your party to do side missions and they will level up and bring back stuff like in Final Fantasy Tactics. My mind was blown.
During the actual playable demo, that a developer was playing behind him on the Xbox 360. They showed a lot combat and explained how the looting of the aliens worked. XCOM is squad based now and very strategic, this aspect shown, reminded me of Mass Effect. You could hack alien tech and use it against them. Some alien tech completely blew buildings apart while playing. If you don't use alien tech right away in combat, you can take it back to the lab for more long term benefits. These were all very cool ideas that I was hearing. The game now has a release date of March 6th 2012, so this is the new official GoukiJones hype game. Don't worry XCOM will not be another Brink.
These are my actual notes while I watched the live demo:
- Different demo from last year
- RPG agent elements added
- Similar to FFTactics party
- Team setup and choose the mission
- Aliens look way cooler. Humanoid
- Squad controls
- Capture enemies and use the powers now or later
- Xbox Demo
- All Aliens can be tech
- Complete 180
This is your base, where you suit your guys up and level up their gear.
Gouki.com Exclusive
Pictures from inside the XCOM booth. E3 2011.
Hope you enjoy this stuff. Let me know if you're going to jump on the GoukiJones hype machine for XCOM. Leave a comment below. Don't be a Jimmy!
Release Date:
Aug 20, 2013