XCOM First Look with GoukiJones E3 2012

By goukijones — June 5, 2012
Tags: e3-2012 first-look preview

Got into see XCOM: Enemy Unknown today from Firaxis and 2KGames. Oh you know I was thrilled before I even got to L.A. about this game. Check out my description of what I saw at E3 2012.

E3 2012 XCOM: Enemy Unknown demo was the exact same for the public and media. When I walked into booth errrr sneaked in, I should say. I hit my head on a low speaker, I guess that's karma. The demo started out on a destroyed city looking battlefield with some weak ass soldiers and some aliens attacking them. One Soldier gets railed immediately. Another was hiding behind a car has the aliens approached, the camera shifted to third person and the soldier blew the aliens head off. Every time you're aiming in the game, the game takes on a third person camera angle. All the graphics in the game looked very nice and led to some very smooth transitions. It's the aliens turn again and this time, the traditional looking alien (grey, big head, big eyes) uses some sort of mind meld or something to hypnotize a solider into throwing a grenade at himself. Now there's only one soldier left and he calls for back up.

Back up arrives and they are all end game suped up. A Sniper, a Stealth chick and a human version of the mind meld alien. The telekinesis soldier gets off the ship and apparently he's modeled after the creator of Civilization, Sid Meiers. That reveal during the demo received the biggest pop. So this crew jumps off the ship. The first soldier up was a sniper, he can go into some sort of rage mode and get a second shot during battle. The second soldier could turn invisible and move twice as far as any other character. she also used a grapple hook to climb up a building next to a "brute" (just a big monster, their words) the camera switches to third person and she blows his head off. 1 hit. Seemed canned to me. Next the super soldier with his glowing hands like Ironman, who looked like the creator of XCOM steps up for his turn. He just hypnotizes an alien to throw a grenade at itself. Very anti-climatic.

Then the guy hosting the demo says.

"And that's XCOM."

Nobody in the room moved. It was completely silent. The he said.

"That's it. Thank you very much. The demo is over." Get out!

Okay I added the get out, but that's what it felt like. BatRastered said the demo was 15 minutes. It felt more like 5 to me. There was no Q&A. I had questions Jimmy! There was no demo of the base, or if you could send out parties to do quests on their own ala Final Fantasy Tactics. So I didn't really get anything out of this demo. That's exactly what I've already seen from the combat. I still don't know anything about this game. I love it all though and I will be all over it at launch. Where the fuck is that other XCOM game?

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM Enemy Unknown Gouki Box Art

12 Stories

Release Date: Oct 9, 2012

Buy it! 50% - Rent it! 25% - Flush it! 25%

Sounds like a crappy way to try and get people excited about the game. And as long as you've been following it and it still sounds like they are getting no closer to a finished game.

dragonkiss83 rated XCOM: Enemy Unknown Rent it
Jun 6, 2012 by dragonkiss83


whether i see the demo or not, I would still be interested in this game. The fact that it's supposed to be played like the original is something I can look forward to.

Arthvader rated XCOM: Enemy Unknown Buy it
Jun 23, 2012 by Arthvader

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