XCOM secret kitchen preview at E3 2010

By goukijones — June 22, 2010
Tags: 2k-games e3-2010 exclusive picture preview xcom

In a secret kitchen hidden inside the Los Angeles convention center we watch a demo of XCOM with studio director Martin Slater.

Xcom is a classic computer game, that what I think most of the Jimmys that made the original Bioshock are trying to remake. So for me, this is a no-brainer. I loved the first Bioshock, I think it is one of the best games of all time. So we sit down right in the front of the room and take a swig from my soda bottle, Jimmy! Wink wink. Martin Slater was standing up front, BatRastered and I quickly introduced ourselves and exchanged business cards. Martin was totally laid back and knew a lot about the preview we were watching, he guided us through.

I have seen this video before, or clips of it or something. It’s not bad. The graphics seem very rough and you can tell it’s an early build. The setting is like Bioshock on land, during the day. The game is very ominous with various things scurrying about trying to give you a scare. Black blobs of static electricity to be honest. The action scene takes place inside a house where the black static blobs are attacking a family and you need to go in and kill everything. When it’s time to leave a giant alien rectangular cube appears and turns into a donut looking object.*see video* At this point the donut looking object begins blasting away and sucking up debris all around you. The demo ends with you escaping.

XCOM giant enemy rectangular cube

XCOM giant enemy donut

I want to play this game, there is no doubt. I think it’s going to be very deep. The world map was shown for a few moments during the demo and you could clearly see that your options for different things to do at this point across the United States.

XCOM world map

The original XCOM games were tactical and strategic, I hope this game incorporates something similar and makes a unique FPS. If you don’t believe me about the secret kitchen thing, check out this picture of me and the fridge.

goukijones inside secret XCOM kitchen

Yes, this photo was taken during an actual alien abduction. Look at my face. This game is serious.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified box art

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