Community Your characters in SSF4:AE (EDITED)
By iorilamia —
December 14, 2010
All characters information is in.
The developers blog recently put out the last information for AE changes and people have been kind enough to trasnlate. I wanted to know how you guys felt about the changes made to your characters, your best matchups, worst?
All links to characters nerfs and buffs are in posts by other users.
Anyways I'll start with my mains juri and ken.
Ken- Wasn't expecting less recovery time on those normals, thats fucking amazing, they already seemed to link well, now combos are ridiculous. im half-half on LP srk, it will do 20 more dmg now, but 2 more frames of recovery? is that on ryu's lvl? the lp srk works against so many moves, those 2 frames will have a big difference. also i consider the ex tatsu blocked low as a buff. it causes more room for mixup(throw, normals, srk?) and chip damage.
Juri- thank god for the faster walk speed, pressure with stored fireballs will be better now, and the fixed hitbox on her FA, that thing would miss on some stupid occasions. fireball kick knowcks them into the air, so you can fireball, pinwheel or maybe ridiculous FSE combo, but the stun and dmg nerf on the kick is depressing, it has alot of stun and decent dmg/chip, but the buffs outweight that.
-other characters-
Guile- only problem i had was making his u2 slower? you can srk that bitch without taking dmg if your close enough.
fuerte- didnt need to be nerfed that bad, yea he can win by retarted random mixups that have some invincibility, but really lame tactics can take him out.
bison- "OFFICIAL BIP-SON PRESSURE" scissorkick nerf/buff? cant be spamming the lk press as much but you can push them in faster?
deejay- he needed all of those buffs. good deejays in high lvl play do so much, for little damage or get screwed in reversals. also dash commands suck.
ibuki- i dont care if her kunais can be deflected by normals, they dont need a dmg buff, they are annoying as fuck...
Mr. Fei long - already had a hard time with pro fei's, majority of his normals being buffed with startup and frame changes, hot damn. like, some feis can beast people only with normals, now its even rape-e-er?
hakan, gouken and makoto- honestly didnt think they sucked, people good with them are fucking beastly. makoto has mixups and great panic pressure. hakan has more air and ground priority than people think, and limited but succesful mindgames. gouken...goddamit he is fine! all the buffs on his normals and tatsu is the scariest shit ever, along with lp running palm combo buff? their buffs are leaving this characters rape-tier.
gief- i see the ex green hand NO knockdown as a great mixup oppurnnity. yet some people rather have the knockdown because of zangiefs weird hitbox when he does his airel crossups.
sagat- didnt need more buffs, he was FINE! yet changing the input for the scar is alright, messy inputs suck.
blanka- beast slide less active frames? thank you, so damn annoying.
honda- NEEDED dmg nerf and less invinciblity on his ex headbutt. hondas counter hits on ex moves and fierces canseirously take off like 40% in 3 hits. screw that.
abel-removing armor on U2 and slower staryup AND dmg reduction? its an annoying ultra but it didnt deserve that nerf, plus if your smart you wont get hit by it.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Apr 27, 2010