Community 2 new warriors have stepped in the SFxT ring!

By blazemanx — July 31, 2011
Tags: capcom namco-bandai news street-fighter-x-tekken video

2 more teaser trailers for street fighter X tekken.

Two more trailers were revealed recently showing two more characters for street fighter X tekken. To my surprise these two are extremely obvious the first one is kuma from tekken and the second is ibuki from street fighter. I have never like kuma and ibuki is cool but i was hoping for a brand new character not a recycled SSF4 character. The roster is filling out nicely and im still holding on to hope for alex from street fighter 3 i think he would pwn in this game lol. Let us know what you think and don't be a jimmy.

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 33% - Flush it! 22%

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