Battlefield Bad Company 2, Blur and FFXIII first impressions

By goukijones — March 10, 2010
Tags: battlefield-bad-company-2 beta blur final-fantasy-xiii first-impressions

The most serious and real first impressions ever. I only had a very little time with these games yesterday. Here's what I thought ...

I played all of 10 minutes of Battlefield Bad Company 2 yesterday. I started it up mid afternoon. I couldn't see shit! The entire first level or at least as far as I got was completely pitch black. Even with the blinds closed and the brightness bumped up, I couldn't tell which way to go or who to shoot at. I died really fast.

Something that stands out about BFBC2 that I did notice in the little time I had was the sound. I've always enjoyed the sound effects in this series.  I want to give the multiplayer a shot, if I can drag myself away from the Borderlands. If you love shooters or RPG's or just opening treasure chests, I can not believe you haven't played Borderlands yet. Jimah!


Blur. WTF is Blur. Well it's a new racing game from these Jimmys who call themselves, Bizarre Creations. Blur is a racing game with a dramatic slice of Mario Kart. Any racing game that adds explosions and mines and other tools to destroy the Jimmys you're racing against is cool with me. I played this for like 2 hours last night and I'm pretty sure if you follow me on Twitter you saw me reporting my stats. The in game Twitter updates are cool! You still might have a chance to get in the Beta, here's one way click here.

I played Final Fantasy XIII for 2 and half hours last night. Mostly just tutorials on how to fight. I got a little taste of how the combats gonna be later on in the game and I'm really looking forward to that. The graphics are amazing, I bet it does look better on the PS3, I just don't care that much to turn on my PS3 unless I'm going to watch some blu-ray porn or The Tester. So I'm gonna hop back on FFXIII right now and see where it takes me. All you Jimmys telling me how good it is better not be just pulling some elaborate prank.


Blur Gouki Box Art

5 Stories

Release Date: May 25, 2010

Buy it! 35% - Rent it! 60% - Flush it! 5%

Word Brother, glad to see you got hold of some BFBC2, really is a great game, good squad strategies & teamwork game if you play it right, you'll especially love the first time you take down a building around an enemies ears...

Hopefully you picked up a copy for your PC, we'll do some damage and I'll keep ya revived! See ya all online! Any of the gouki community members feel free to add me as friend on the pc version, BFBC2 Nick---> Slackin

OregonSlacker has not rated Blur yet.
Mar 17, 2010 by OregonSlacker


I think that Battlefeild 2 was fun but I didn't get hooked, maybe I'll give #3 a better chance.

DragonKiss83 rated Blur Flush it
Feb 28, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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