Community Borderlands...of my patience
By vegetahimself —
November 26, 2010
You're going to hate me for this one....
I had purchased this game on the rave reviews detailing its excellence and gave it a go. All seemed well enough on first impressions and i was intrigued by the concept of a hybrid between RPG elements mixed with a first person shooter. To anyone, even myself (at first), that concept alone seemed like a winner in my book. 2K games hoped that the concept would make this title look like a duck in water...but the fact of the matter was that this game was more compareable to a turd in the pool: I just cant float with it. As much as i really wanted to like this game, i felt that the RPG elements killed any and all replay value for me.
First off, you have 4 characters to choose from and aside from their ONE SINGLE TALENT, you are just a floating gun for all intents and purposes. Granted you have a world of warcraft-like talent tree with different benefits, you still only have one skill. Everyone can use the same weapons, some slightly better than others through talents, but nothing more. I mean, come on! At least have weapon restrictions to make the characters more unique, or better yet, GIVE THEM MORE THAN ONE FUCKING SKILL!!!
The physics were another pet peeve to me. Seriously. I'm not shitting you. At lvl 30, crimson lance soldier should NOT TAKE 15-20 FUCKING HEADSHOTS TO KILL. It's not fun at all. It's frustrating. It's a joke. I even forget this is supposed to be an FPS. I can understand if it's a 50 foot mutant who can crush you under his foot, but not when it's just a random ass-clown with a potato gun soaking up 50 rounds in his chest before he only slows down and doesnt fucking die. Another fine example if a great RPG element. Classic. I dont remember that element in gears of war, or halo, or moder warfare, or....ah fuck it.
Listen. I'm not saying the game sucks in general, in fact I think it's a great game. There's alot of cool shit to do here and alot of awesome weapons and items to find, but the bottom line? If you want to play a FPS, stick to halo or black ops. If you want to play an RPG, Play world of fantasy 14 sucks donkey balls. Otherwise, expect to buy a few extra control paddles XD
Oh, and my ratings for this game: GAME RATING: 8/10=Great
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Oct 20, 2009