Demon's Souls speed run was tool assisted? Second play through?
By goukijones —
October 19, 2010
via @reipuerto originally posted on ... surprise Kotaku nubfarm. Demon's Souls, one of the hardest games ever made. BEATEN in under an hour. Are these videos tool assisted?
[Editor's note] There are some very interesting comments below from our users who have actually played the game. Thanks for reading and commenting.
First of all Reinuabto should have been all over this story. At least he sent out a link from the PlayStation tweeter. These videos caught my attention right away, I love speed runs and on Demon's Souls. This is gonna be the shit.
BUT, I have some questions first. My question is for the experts here. Is this a second play through? It's in Japanese so I can't tell what he's buying. He's buying it so fast too. As you will see in the video below, he has the game entirely frickin' memorized. It's incredible. Like when I was able to beat Resident Evil 2 in 1:21. People would come over and watch, it was like a movie for them.
Back to Demon's Souls.
These weapons. Are they from a second run through or can you just run through the game with the stuff you pick up on the way and just rail everything like this guy? Granted he does use magic on most of the bosses. Which brings me to my next question. Can you just buy unlimited Homing Soul Arrow scrolls and rail every boss in the game? Wow. For a game that everyone claimed was the hardest game they have ever played, this Jimmy in these videos sure does BEAT THE SHIT OUT DEMON'S SOULS. In one of his videos he shows that stats from his run through. In that video windows are popping up like ON your computer. Tool assisted?
Honestly I don't think so. I think the guy has the game completely memorized. I imagine you can just pick up those spells and weapons as you go and he knows the fastest way possible. There seemed to be a lot of big falls and not once did I see any fall damage taken. Of course he just rolled out of the landing at the bottom of each fall. I watched every second of this speed run and it is amazing. Bosses getting railed left and right. He runs pass everyone Jimmy ass demon just standing around. It looked like Dead Rising. This is one of the crazier videos.
Demon's Souls speed run [0:54:54] by peercast player alternal - Part3/4
Check out alternalw's youtube channel. The 4 videos are amazing and I watched every second. Thanks for posting.
There is another story about these videos on Kotaku.[Kotaku mentions the Rat's ring in their story when they MEAN the Cat's ring. I don't believe Kotaku did any research at all after stumbling across these videos.]
Release Date:
Oct 6, 2009