FFXIV Resource Guide - Gouki Linkshell Approved

By goukijones — August 16, 2013
Tags: blog gouki-linkshell guide how-to

Here a few links that I've been using to help me get thru those tough times of FFXIV. Please add your favorites in the comments below.

Hello. As most of you know I'm super hype for this Final Fantasy & I've been going hard in the beta since about 5AM today. I'm on Malboro server. My name is Avitas Sibannac. Freind me.

Here's my list of stuff you should know.

Maps - Know your locations. This link is great he has all of the gathering points, dungeons, everything is marked. 

Materials & stuff - These guys got everything. I think the meuns are a little Jimmyfied, but once you figure it out, you'll be on your way. 

Macros - All da Jimmys need macros right? Maybe not so much early game, but you'll want to understand how they work. 

Videos - This Jimmy has it all covered. Check out all of his videos, he covers almost every subject & even your dumbass questions. 

Reddit - I love the Reddit for man than just porn. It's my number 1 source for FF info. I've been thru the SE forums & that is all a cluster fuck. Stuff is buired on there & there is a giant congragation of nubfarm there. 

I'll be adding more to this list as I move along thru the game & find out what is improtant & not. Plus I'll be working on my own leveling guide for Gathering & Crafting. 

Thanks for reading. Please leave any comments or suggestions below. 

Join the Gouki Linkshell on Malboro. Just message me & I'll add you. Avitas Sibannac.

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