Gouki Halo History: PWNtober The Classic UsUk/Gouki Montage Collection

By goukijones — October 9, 2012
Tags: blithering-blathering blog exclusive-video gouki-history

PWNtober is upon us once again. GoukiJones looks back at some of the old Halo montage he created. Dated as far back as 2002. Remember K Digga Special. & the origin of "Don't be a Jimmy!" & the Gouki.com Jimmy Mascot.

Below is a playlist of every montage I edited for the team back in the day. There's some good stuff in here. I put them in order of my favorites, so check it out please. Plenty of entertainment. Don't be a Jimmy! This is the origin of  the Jimmy term coming to life & the Gouki.com Jimmy mascot.

History repeats itself. Halo 4 will be launched on November 6, 2012. Team UsUk will be making an online come back & we're looking to add new members to the team. All of our games will be streamed. Shout out to the original members of UsUk WorldWide, the original Halo Team Gouki. Special mention for K Digga who we lost during the Halo 3 days. Miss you everyday bro. Chuck a Digga 'nade fo ya!

In no particular order:

If I missed somebody, sorry. Leave a comment & I'll add you to the founding members list.

Check out PWNtober.com. Bad ass nice.

Pre-order Halo 4. Tuesday PWNfest on release day. At least after you VOTE!

Create your own story about your history with a game. Vote, comment & share. Thanks for reading.

Halo 3

Halo 3 Gouki Box Art

9 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 27, 2007

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