Community Hard Corps Uprising review

By LegendaryLonewolf — March 5, 2011
Tags: hard-corps-uprising review video

Hard Corps : Uprising... the review O_o


In 2613, the world is now ruled by an empire known as the Commonwealth under the reign of Tiberius. Neighboring nations have suffered under the Commonwealth's oppression and Resistance Forces rise across the land. However, so many Resistance Fighters have fallen to the overwhelming might of the empire, that their strength is now severely diminished. A group of elite soldiers rise through the ranks of the Resistance and band together to execute a desperate plan. The leader of this group is the war hero Bahamut.


Bahamut - Once a soldier of the Commonwealth army, he turned on his comrades after witnessing an imperial squad execute innocent people. He shares his name with the antagonist from Contra: Hard Corps, but the producers have said it could also be a different Bahamut.

Krystal - A woman with seemingly no previous combat experience. However, after her hometown is attacked by imperial forces, she decides to join Bahamut.

Harley Daniels - A bike-riding soldier sporting an extreme pompadour hairstyle. DLC

Sayuri - A samurai who wears a kimono and sugegasa. DLC


Uprising features two main game modes, Rising and Arcade. In Rising Mode, players can collect points throughout levels which are then used to purchase various upgrades and customizations for weapons, armor and character abilities. Rising Mode also features a health bar, similar to the Japanese version of Contra: Hard Corps, allowing the player to take more than one hit before losing a life. Arcade Mode is a harder game mode in which the power-up shops are removed.

Many new moves have been added. The character can dash, dash in mid-air, double-jump and deflect enemy projectiles by bouncing them back. Additional moves can also be purchased in Rising Mode.

Weapons include the standard rifle, the machine gun, the spread shot, the crush gun (shoots arcing grenades), the heat gun (shoots large blasts of fire) and the chain laser (homes in on enemy targets). As in Contra III: The Alien Wars, the player can carry two weapons and switch between them at any time. By collecting the same weapon several times the player will improve its firing rate and power. Other weapon upgrades are available in Rising Mode as well. 


The game is beautifully done by Arc Systems Works (Creators of Guilty Gear) so expect nothing but an anime style of destruction and of course the super upgraded gameplay thanks to Rising Mode system which gives hours and hours of extra gameplay. 


Cheap and easy deaths. That would be my only concern in this game since you will actually have to know the stages in order to do good in them. Especially if your online and your going up a platform just make sure you don't fall or take a hit that allows you to fall.

Buy it! If you are a Contra fan and have been waiting for a Contra style game then here it is with the difficulty. ENJOY

[UPDATED] Mar 5, 2011 4:22:30 PM

Mar 5, 2011 by goukijones

Fixed the video, updated the URL, added review in the title, and added Buy it! Like 4 out of 5, wink face. Thanks for the review.


Tried to put pics up but I couldn't figure out the coding for it. Sorry ^_^

Mar 5, 2011 by LegendaryLonewolf


Thanks for reviewing it! I really wanted it but it came to xbl first T_T. Anyways cheap and easy deaths are the way contra games should be ;D

How do the dlc characters differ in fighting style?

(for pictures, there is a icon where you edit the story tot he left of smiley face)

Mar 5, 2011 by iorilamia


I want to play this game. But only once. This is something that I would love ... for free. Thanks for writing.

Mar 5, 2011 by goukijones


@ Iori
Harley Daniels - Is more of the tank in the game. He is also the slowest. Others max at 6 HP while he would max at 8 HP. He uses all the guns as well.

Sayuri - The only sword user in the game. The cheapest and easiest character to play as. Why is she cheap? Once her sword is maxed it WILL do 2x more damage then it originally was killing early bosses in 1 second or less... literally. She is also the fastest.

Mar 5, 2011 by LegendaryLonewolf


Thanks, from what youve said and other reviews it seems like Harley sucks,lol

Mar 5, 2011 by iorilamia


Sounds good, looks good, I guess I'll be playing it. Thanks for the info.

Mar 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83


this game is like a more flashy contra dont you agree?

Mar 8, 2011 by kof2012

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