Mortal Kombat: April 2011! and Kollectors Editions! (Fixed)

By Cinderkin — December 13, 2010
Tags: collectors-edition mortal-kombat news release-date

Mortal Kombat is scheduled to release April 2011 and will have a choice between 2 Kollectors Editions. Check out the details.


We now know that PS3 owners will be getting Kratos in the upcoming Mortal Kombat game. But when the heck is it coming out? Well it seems that Netherrealm Studio and Warner Brothers are shooting for an April 2011 release.

Also there will be a couple of Kollectors Editions available.

The "Kollector's Edition" of the title will ship with Sub-Zero and Scorpion figures, a collectible art book, and downloadable content that will add "Klassic" costume skins and avatar costumes.

The "Tournament Edition" edition is for the hardcore MK combatants, and ships with a portable fight stick, along with the aforementioned downloadable content. Only 20,000 copies of this "Tournament" edition will be available.

Also retailers like Gamestop, Best Buy, and Amazon are offering pretty sweet pre order deals.

GameStop will be offering the classic Scorpion skin, along with the fighter's original fatality.

Sub-Zero gets the same treatment if you pre-order from Best Buy.

Reptile gets the skin/fatality love if you pre-purchase from Amazon.


Which edition will you get? Are you gonna pre order it? I want the Sub-Zero pack. Best Buy here I come. The Tournament Edition sounds tempting, but I have a bad feeling it will be a JImmy Ass Stick.


Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy! Fatality!

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat Gouki Box Art

79 Stories

Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

Buy it! 88% - Rent it! 0% - Flush it! 12%

anything sub-zero, i want it

iorilamia rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Dec 13, 2010 by iorilamia


I will be getting the Kollector's Edition, because I already have a fightstick =). I will pre-order from Amazon, because I like Reptile's Klassic costume. I didn't like his latest costume.

thewiz has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Dec 13, 2010 by thewiz


it will KONSUME you

blazemanx rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Dec 13, 2010 by blazemanx


My gut says the release date is April 19th

thewiz has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Dec 13, 2010 by thewiz


Looking forward to it. Love the x-ray moves.

Fnjimmy has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Dec 13, 2010 by Fnjimmy


The artbook and figures sound okay but I don't know about buying it....

shenwoopunch has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Dec 13, 2010 by shenwoopunch


CYYYYYYYYRAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX but is the stick supposed to look like that? thats seriously really weird, ill just stick to my other stick

SonicZero has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Dec 13, 2010 by SonicZero

grey walrus

What is up with that button layout for the Fightstick?
Other than that they look pretty sweet.

grey walrus has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Dec 14, 2010 by grey walrus


Pics are f'ed up.

BatRastered rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Dec 14, 2010 by BatRastered

DE bad shot

man take out that god of war faggot and bring back KABOL!!!!!

DE bad shot rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Dec 14, 2010 by DE bad shot


Fix the pics Bat

Cinderkin rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Dec 15, 2010 by Cinderkin


Uhhhhh, is that a run button on that FightStick? Jimmy don't like run buttons.

goukijones rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Dec 17, 2010 by goukijones


fightstick as a case is a cool idea though...

BatRastered rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Dec 17, 2010 by BatRastered


that collectors edition fight stick looks nice

kof2012 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012

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