New costumes, gems, patches and more coming to SFxT

By BatRastered — March 16, 2012
Tags: dlc news patch

New costume packs, gems, and colors coming soon, also patch fixes and tournament support for gem selection.

On April 3, we will see the free color packs as DLC. This will add some new colors to the customize colors palette. I still have no idea why this is DLC and not just turned on from the beginning. At the same time new "swap" costumes will be introduced. For a buck each you can see your favorite SF character dressed as a Tekken character or vice-versa. If you want the whole set, you can buy the full SF set for $13 and the full Tekken set for $13, for a total of $26. That's one expensive costume pack! (These are just alternate outfits, not new characters)

Shortly after April 3 (no exact date) there will be a tournament support update. This will be a title update not DLC, so you'll get this automatically. This update includes some fixes to the online code (audio issues, etc) and a way to choose your gem set from the character selection menu.

A few weeks later, another title update will include new gems, more slots to store your favorite gem sets, and a replay analyzer. 

Finally, soon after the PS Vita version of SFxT ships, the 12 new characters will be available as paid DLC for $20 (1600 MSP). The new characters are: Blanka, Sakura, Guy, Cody, Elena, Dudley, Alisa, Bryan, Christie, Jack, Lars and Lei.

The summary from Capcom:

Nine new gem packs totaling 60+ new gems
Replay analyzer
Tournament support for gem selection
Three new quick combo pre-sets
Three additional gem loadout slots
Three new color packs with four colors each


Swap Costumes - $1.00 (80 MSP) each or in two $13.00 (1040 MSP) Street Fighter and/or Tekken packs
DLC characters - $20.00 (1600 MSP) for all 12 new fighters

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

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