Street Fighter X Tekken Pandora gameplay video

By BatRastered — September 14, 2011
Tags: tgs-2011 video

Pandora is basically SFxT's version of X-Factor. Plus new characters.

You have to sacrifice your partner to activate Pandora, which could be cool. There is also a 4 player simultaneous 2v2 mode.

I can't keep track of what characters have or have not been officially announced or just rumored but oh yeah, Rolento is going to be my main!

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

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[UPDATED] Sep 14, 2011 2:47:24 PM

Sep 14, 2011 by goukijones

Ono's Evil Plan

Youtube VideoYouTube Video

Thanks to Phresh for sharing.


I wonder if there is a health requirement on whether you can sacrifice your partner or not.
Would be a bit BS if you sacrifice them if they have almost no health left.

iorilamia has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Sep 14, 2011 by iorilamia


So now we gonna have 4 Jimmys sitting on the couch pounding their sticks. lol. The future of gaming.

The Pandora shit = The "something crazy" that always appears in games like this. X-Factor for SFxT. Can't wait to see EVO next year when the move is to sacrifice immediately and go straight to raip mode.

goukijones rated Street Fighter X Tekken Rent it
Sep 14, 2011 by goukijones


Don't think it works that way though. On the bottom of the screen there are 6 balls, and balls float around the Pandora characters. So maybe you have to build the Pandora ball meter? No idea. But for sure people would sacrifice someone asap and power up if possible.

iorilamia has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Sep 14, 2011 by iorilamia


this game is looking godly but where the hell is JIN!!!!!!!

blazemanx has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Sep 14, 2011 by blazemanx


wtf is that video ... lol those 2 jimmys.

goukijones rated Street Fighter X Tekken Rent it
Sep 14, 2011 by goukijones


The Ono video is funny, but screw this Pandora mode shit.

DragonKiss83 rated Street Fighter X Tekken Rent it
Sep 16, 2011 by DragonKiss83


i see london i see france i see lilis fine ass thong lol whats this pandora thing iam hearing about is it killer or is it lame please answer sense i saw that you guys were saying that it blows before i saw the video i wont waste time looking at it but i will look at lili video ah fuck it ahh look at both of them tweet tweet right hia lol

kof2012 has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Sep 29, 2011 by kof2012


holy fuckkkkkkkkk are you shitting me this pandora power is beast guile in pandora mode looks beast and this is not like x factor because i think or looks like it stays on for the rest of the fight what would piss me off is if you sacrifice your character and the power up has a time limit now that just fucked anywho i think just because of this new mode people that never played this game before or any of the these titles such as tekken and street fighter or kof when they see the game for the first time they will be like holy shit woah dude or some shit and they will be hooked just on using this new power up just like in kof13 hell yeah the new ex mode they have will make more people really want to play veterans and noobs alike and shit iam fucking psyched for the new tekken vs street fighter now iam really psyched for kof too but now i love both games

kof2012 has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Sep 29, 2011 by kof2012


Fuckin amazing KOF.

goukijones rated Street Fighter X Tekken Rent it
Sep 29, 2011 by goukijones

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