Win Call of Duty: Black Ops free from

By goukijones — October 1, 2010
Tags: activision call-of-duty-black-ops-giveaway contest freeish giveaway ps3 treyarch xbox-360

Win Call of Duty: Black Ops. Your choice for either the PS3 or the Xbox 360. Receive it on release day.

Winner announced contest closed

Congratulations to PWNY!!! She is the big winner of the COD Black ops giveaway.

  1. Pwny                   7321000 *Big winner - Thank you very much for reading and writing on
  2. akskiller             6360000
  3. Arthvader           3915000
  4. de bad shot       2180000 *Canadian
  5. sexyyrays           1291000 *not eligible
  6. GreenFire999   1036000
  7. ErikEstrada         565000 *Jimmy?
  8. fnjimmy                450000 *not a threat as promised
  9. ThaBrad               420000
  10. Thewolf14            345000

Rules to be entered into the Call of Duty: Black Ops giveaway. Read Carefully Jimmy!

  1. You must be a registered user on with a valid email address.
  2. You must have uploaded an Avatar at
  3. You must have added either your Xbox 360 Gamertag or PSN ID to your profile.
  4. Log in and leave a comment on this story.
  5. Have the most points earned on from October 1, 2010 until November 6, 2010. *Cinderkin blocked. Wink face.
  6. Twitter this phrase: "Check out to win Call of Duty: Black Ops via @goukijones #gouki"

BONUS - If 10 new users score over 1 million between November 1 and November 6, 2010. will giveaway a second copy at random to one of the 10. Of course you can just have the most points earned before the deadline and guarantee your copy. *3 Users already have it. Write some stories, leave some comments, vote and rate everything. It's easy to get points. The more you do, the more achievements you unlock for big bonuses. Don't be a Jimmy!

Grand prize is Call of Duty: Black Ops for your choice system PS3 or Xbox 360. You will receive the item on the release day. November 9, 2010.

Call of Duty Black Ops boxart

Call of Duty: Black Ops catalog page.

Sponsored by Freeish from

*Terms/conditions subject to change at anytime. reserves all rights to this giveaway. Winner will be notified by email so make sure your email is correct in your profile Jimmy!

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty Black Ops Gouki Box Art

20 Stories

Release Date: Nov 9, 2010

Buy it! 35% - Rent it! 50% - Flush it! 15%

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