WWE PPV Vengeance AI Simulated card. Zack Ryder VS Dolph Ziggler
By goukijones —
October 22, 2011
Zack Ryder VS Dolph Ziggler, Swaggler VS Air Boom! Exclusive CAWs and ring entrances only found in our exclusive videos. John Cena VS Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Championship. The return of the Big Show , also Awesome Truth VS CM Punk & Triple H. #heel
Before you begin to read understand that I am mixing in my predictions of the actual PPV and that the match order on here is my personal prediction of the order of the show. A little game I like to play with myself. Carry on...
So Dolph Ziggler has 2 matches during the PPV?! That's sweet since he doesn't defend his belt. Personally I think Ryder will come out and PWN Ziggler in the first match setting up a potential night of losses for Guerrero and company. In this video I only edited the beginning of Zack Ryder's entrance and added the WWWYKI.
This is a stretch for me, there are a lot of big pop Superstars on this PPV. Is it a great PPV, I don't know ... No editing here, just a straight up match. Randy Orton beats the shit out of Cody Rhodes, but "The Masked Man" will amaze you.
We gotta get this out of the way early right? Eve Torres Vs Beth Phoenix? One of the first Diva PPV matches in month I actually don't give two flying, humping pigs about. I don't like Eve, I've tried to masturbate to Beth, but that's Jimmy style. No editing here. Zzzzzz.
This match will make everyone forget about what they just watched. No editing really here. I expect Sheamus to get a pin and a push toward Mark Henry.
Air Boom VS Dolph Ziggler. Dolph's aleged second match of the night. This could go either way for me. Vicki is the biggest heel in history though. With the belts or without, Swaggler will still be a PWNn ass group.
Big Show VS Mark Henry. I'm still upset that the Big Show comes back and immediately headlines the next PPV. Whatever, I expect Mark Henry to beat the shit out of him.
Here's where it gets tricky, but I believe you can not end the show on something other than the world titles. So here we have the big "Conspiracy" match of the night. Something is gonna happen. I don't know what, but something is gonna happen. The return of Scott Hall? The new Corporation? Funk man revealing himself has something else other than the executive vice president of talent relations? The Air boom intro is custom badass nice. Also the Awesome Truth music was found online, its mad ghetto, but it works. PWN on Jimmys.
John Cena VS Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Championship. The ADR is a CAWs we dld from the forums and editing and tweaked a litte. Santos!
In the DropTheBelt.com Fantasy League I need John Cena to win. In my heart I want ADR to win because, I. Hate. John. Cena.
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Release Date:
Oct 26, 2010