3DS Blow out! A handheld preview

By reipuerto — January 11, 2011
Tags: 3ds 3ds-exclusive dead-or-alive news nintendo preview resident-evil ridge-racer street-fighter zelda

The 3DS is a beast!!

What up you Jimmies? Rei here with your Nintendo news! Any news! So listen, read, up!

First thing first, this will change the way we handheld games(both better and worse lol)! The 3DS will have eight games at the launch, in Japan, and here they are with their yen value and my assumtion value of it;

Nintendogs & Cats ¥4,800 (+$50)

Winning Eleven Soccer 3D ¥5,800 (+$60)

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition ¥4,800 (+$50)

Samurai Warriors: Chronicle ¥6,090 (+$65)

Puzzle Bobble 3D ¥4,980 (+$55)

Ridge Racer 3D ¥6,090 (+$65)

Battle of the Giants: Dinosaurs 3D ¥5,040 (+$52)

Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle ¥5,980 (+$62)

And what a line up! Ridge Racer 3D and Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition will be my pick. So you might be asking, "Jimmy! How much ya nub?!" Well, with no pinpoint price, I'm calling it at $250. Yup.

But let's be realistic. The Yen is stronger than the dollar, so those games would really cost between $30 and $40. And with the system at your hands, you can play a max of 8hrs with no 3D on and low light.... But it's "3D" so around 4hrs max. Not bad but could've been WWWAAAYYYY better. Just take a look at both Resident Evil: The Mercenaries and Dead or Alive Dimension respectfully;

With graphic that look GREAT on a handheld, this little monster will be a force to be dealt with! Just watch this small preview of their expected line up!

The 3DS will also have eight, 8, gigs of cartridge! That's more than SIX, 6, times the amount of umd from the PSP(1.8gigs)! Oh yeah! Graphics and gameplay in the palm of your hand!
if you don't like those choices of games, you can download old classic game too! Just like that dusty Wii you have being used as a night stand, it can download games from the Gameboy and Gameboy Color catalog! That way, you can see how far we have came....

Take a look at some sexy pictures too!

So, are you guys excited too? Let us know, down below!

Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo 3DS Black

23 Stories

Release Date: Mar 27, 2011

Buy it! 80% - Rent it! 7% - Flush it! 13%

Jan 11, 2011 by reipuerto

Are you excited for the new 3DS?

bar! Hell yeah! — 60% (6 votes)

bar! It'll wait for the PSP2! — 10% (1 votes)

bar! Ehh... It's Nintendo. — 30% (3 votes)

Log in to vote!

[UPDATED] Jan 13, 2011 7:49:50 PM

Jan 13, 2011 by reipuerto


Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Mario, have spoken about 3D video in a regular questions and answer. And Iwata-san said to Miyamota-san that;

"In a future, improved version, I think it would be enjoyable if you were able to film video,"

Hot damn! Do you Jimmies know what that means? You can, in the future, with a MAYBE firmware update or something, record yourself naked playing video games like I do.... Or in the toilet. You're choice....

In other news, the 3DS MIGHT be region locked and MIGHT have friend codes..... Region lock means you CAN'T export those crazy Japanese games that let you touch anime chick in 3D, and friend codes are a cumbersome way of exchanging friend information. The friend code is longer than your social security number and not even that useful...

Now what do you think? I'm still stroked to hear about a POSSIBLE 3D video feature. It'll POP out...!  :D


OH SNAP son i gots to get me one!!!!!!!!!!!

blazemanx rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Jan 11, 2011 by blazemanx


holy, it can download, the 3DS is only getting better and better, AND I DONT HAVE DUST ON MY WII :p
also, thanks for having the price conversion from yen to dollar <3

iorilamia rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Jan 11, 2011 by iorilamia

grey walrus

I can't wait for this thing. MGS 3 OoT, SSFIV, AND BB:CS II.
This handheld is going to be awesome. I don't care if it's in 3D or not.

grey walrus rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Jan 11, 2011 by grey walrus


I'm holding out for Jimmy to get one. Looks like a Jimmy ass piece of hardware.

Good story.
Thanks for posting.

goukijones rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Jan 12, 2011 by goukijones


Damn SSF43d is 50 bucks lol

shenwoopunch has not rated Nintendo 3DS yet.
Jan 12, 2011 by shenwoopunch


I'm looking forward to having one when it drops in price. I can get a cheap laptop for that price Jimmy!

Cinderkin rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Jan 12, 2011 by Cinderkin


Thanks for commenting on Rei's story everyone! If you really like and want to share this information with your friends, use the share buttons at the bottom of every page on Gouki.com.

goukijones rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Jan 12, 2011 by goukijones


puzzle bubble is the shiznit

kof2012 has not rated Nintendo 3DS yet.
Jan 12, 2011 by kof2012


As far as mobile gaming goes, I have an iPhone. I don't feel the need for another device to carry around.

BatRastered rated Nintendo 3DS Rent it
Jan 12, 2011 by BatRastered



fnjimmy rated Nintendo 3DS Buy it
Jan 12, 2011 by fnjimmy


oh Nintendo.

ariscool24 has not rated Nintendo 3DS yet.
Jan 17, 2011 by ariscool24

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