A List of Few Changes for SSF4 Arcade Edition Cast
By Cinderkin —
October 26, 2010
The Japanese Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition development blog was updated with a partial change list for the five of the characters in the arcade edition, Ryu, Balrog, C. Viper, Cammy and Guy.
NOTE: This is not the complete list of changes, nor is it the full list for these 5 characters.
• Far Standing Medium Punch is now Special Cancelable.
• Close Standing Medium Kick damage increased. This took off 70 life in SSF4.
• Close Standing Hard Kick has more frame advantage on hit and block. You can Link into a Shoryuken now with it.
• Decreased Crouching Medium Kick's active frames.
• Towards + Hard Punch (Dash Punch) damage decreased. This took off 120 life in SSF4.
• Jump arc nerfed on his Air Hurricane Kick. It's more difficult to run away with this, but crossups with it will be more ambiguous.
• EX Air Hurricane Kick will no longer miss last few hits.
• Damage for Close Standing Medium Punch was decreased slightly. It now forces opponent to stand on hit, and is Special Cancelable. This move took off 80 life in SSF4.
• Far Standing Light Punch will now miss crouching opponents.
• Damage on Headbutt was decreased and it now has more recovery frames. This took off 100/120/140/150 for the Light, Medium, Hard and EX versions in SSF4.
• Ultra 2 (Dirty Bull) motion changed from a 720 to two half-circle backs + 3x Punch.
C. Viper
• Ultra 2's hitbox size increased.
• Close and Far Standing Light Punch recovery time decreased.
• Close Standing Medium and Hard Punch recovery time decreased.
• Crouching Light and Medium Punch and recovery time decreased.
• These changes give Cammy more frame advantage with her Normals.
• Cannon Spike flies less distance away after connecting, making it easier to punish, this is on block and hit.
• Regular version of Cammy's Cannon Strike (Dive Kick) cannot be done as low to the ground as before. The EX version was unaffected.
• Crouching Light Kick damage decreased. Has a 3 frame startup now, it was 4 before and took off 30 damage.
• Far Standing Medium Kick has faster startup time and less recovery.
• Far Standing Medium Punch hitbox improved.
• Towards + Medium Punch (Overhead) is two hits now and no longer leaves you at a frame disadvantage on hit.
• EX Run timing for followups is the same as the regular version now.
• EX Run Stop follow up has Super Armor.
• EX Run Slide follow up has projectile invincibility.
• Super does more damage, and fixed some problems with it not connecting after a combo.
Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!
Source: http://www.eventhubs.com
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Apr 27, 2010