Community Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt DLC Trailer
By Arthvader —
December 20, 2012
Gearbox has released the trailer to their next expansion: Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. watch it here.
Here's the trailer:
I can't wait for this expansion to come out. Aside from the fact that we'll be going to a new continent (particularly a jungle/swamp continent called Aegrus), we will get to see new enemies as well, such as the Savages, which are like the bandits, but alot more harder, Spores, which are like big, flying enemies that hovers above you, dropping smaller, more suicidal versions of themselves, and the Scaylions, which are Varkid-like, bug creatures (I believe that the Scaylions are either the bug that Sir Hammerlock was standing on top of, of the big scorpion creature that Zer0 killed). I'm also interested in the hunts that we will get to do from Sir Hammerlock himself. I'm also curious about any new vehicles that we may get just for this expansion. I'll be looking forward to getting this expansion when it comes out.
Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt comes out January 15 for $9.99 (800 MSP), or free with the Season Pass.
What do you think of this trailer? Leave your commentd down in the bottom. Don't forget to vote and share, and don't be a Jimmy!!!
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Release Date:
Sep 18, 2012