"Borderlands 3" Hotfixes Add 100 Storage To Bank & Removes Platforming In Raid PLUS New Vault Card

By goukijones — August 6, 2021
Tags: borderlands news

Weren't you just asking when was the last update for Borderlands 3?

As some of you may know we here at Gouki.com are huge fans of Borderlands 3 and the entire Borderlands series. We were just having a conversation the other night about how there seemed to be not even a little hotfix for Borderlands in weeks. Was it when they added the Cartels back, was that the last update? Starting now you can buy more SDU to raise your bank to 500. We all need that right. 500 guns to take out 40 at a time to throw out when the level cap goes to 80. I still need to delete 300 level 65 gear.

Click here to read the full Borderlands 3 Hotfix update for August 5, 2021.

Borderlands 3

Gouki Borderlands 3 Generic Box Art

19 Stories

Release Date: Sep 13, 2019

Buy it! 100% - Rent it! 0% - Flush it! 0%

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