DC Universe Online ahead of schedule. Don't be a FF14.

By goukijones — December 21, 2010
Tags: blithering-blathering blog exclusive news preview release-date video

In an unprecedented move for the video game industry, DC Universe Online announcers an earlier relese date than had previously been expected. Now read my take about DCuo and get ready to play. Playstation 3 users got a hot game early on in the year.

This game has one of the best pre-rendered cut scenes we have ever scene. Even with out the Batman and Superman ass whoopin's that take place. The official youtube channel for DC Universe Online doesn't allow embeding of that video because they are nubfarm. Buuuut you can watch this sweet video of Jim Les and some other nuab telling you, how they put everything together. It a great video so check it out.

I'm hyped up for this adventure. Being in a game with Batman and Lois Lane running around gives me such a strange erection. Of course you get to set-up your guy traditionally, with traits and weapons and stuuuuuf. When you design the suit, you get tons of options and you should, have you seen ModNation or SvR? DCuo is gonna shine with the character creation. I want to be evil, of course. A chick - I know strange - but I don't want to be staring at a dude's ass the entire game. DC Universe Online will have feature to automatically produce a costume for you inspired by another  villain or superhero, like Batman.

Meta Mentors video shows a lot how the questing is going to work. If you side with Superman, he's gonna call you and ask you to go help the Flash. So Superman - the SECOND fastest thing on earth - is asking a n00b for help in this situation. Ok. Lex Luthor on the other hand gives you some poisonous shit and asks for you to spread it all around town. Some superheros show up and try to stop you, but you're just gonna rail them. Awesome.
The video shows off some amazing graphics too.

DC Universe™ Online - Meta Mentors

Wanna be a monster? Look like Killer Croc or maybe Lobo? Primal look is a character option that includes a bunch of feral looking animations. So if you want to look like a beast or a monster. Bite and claw enemies, just be completely disgusting. You can build your character that way. No crafting?! Well at least nothing traditional. It's not a - Hey I'm gonna go make hats for guys - type of crafting, it's going to be something more original. That exciting! Emblems are customizable as well. We have to expect stuff like this from games. DC Universe Online knows what they need to be successful and I like everything that I'm hearing about this game.

You can get a lot of info like this from the Official youtube Channel

The announcement came today from facebook via @PlayStation believe it or not. The DC Universe Online will be released on January 11, 2011 now. Previously the date had been 3/31/2011. The same day Final Fantasy 14 was SUPPOSED to be released. It should be noted that FF14 has been delayed inevitability. So why is DCuo coming out so early on in the year? It's only going into a more serious beta phase right now and then roll right into the release. The same thing FF14 did. Isn't that scary and on top of all that, it's ahead of schedule. Allegedly.
Official Facebook statement *make sure you like.

Doesn't matter. I'm excited to play this on the Playstation 3, Gouki Guild 2.0 FTW. $15 a month is a little steep, but I'll try it out that free month. If it don't hook me in 30 days or less, I just won't play it. MMO's have to get it right, right out of the gate. For the sake of gamers, video game companies and the industry, we can not have another Final Fantasy XIV debacle.
Leave a comment, what are your thoughts?! Want to join up for the Gouki Guild 2.0?! Don't be a Jimmy! Thanks for reading.

Official Press Release

DC Universe Online Collector's Edition Save 12% right now and get it for 87.99

EBGames and Gamestop have Bonus items

DE bad shot

armor and loot, thats what keeps wow going and these super hero games just don't got that

Dec 21, 2010 by DE bad shot


What superhero games? This does upgrades and stuff. You don't know anything about video games.

Dec 21, 2010 by goukijones


ahead of sched? awesome, make sure you fix all your buggs before you celebrate,lol, looks sweet bro, thanks for post.

Dec 21, 2010 by iorilamia


I don't know how I feel about paying a $15 monthly fee for 1 game... not usually my bag, but it looks interesting.

Dec 21, 2010 by BatRastered


Beta wasn't that great and hell no on paying monthly fee or the lifetime sub.

Dec 21, 2010 by shenwoopunch


I'll look into it once it drops for PS3, but if they charge a fee on PS3 I'll pass.

Dec 23, 2010 by Cinderkin


$15 a month for any game is just not worth, you'd at least should lease me a PS3 for such commitment, and really can't see past being a glorified MUA.... I'm good with just watching the cinematics right now.

Dec 23, 2010 by Enter4none


I can wait until the full on version is done.

Dec 25, 2010 by fnjimmy


This is the "full on" version reh-tard.

Dec 25, 2010 by goukijones


this game is fucking sorry

Jan 12, 2011 by kof2012

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