Enslaved Odyssey to the Nubfarm review

By goukijones — December 14, 2010
Tags: 1-sitting blithering-blathering enslaved-odyssey-to-the-west review tips-and-tricks

Another adventure, beat-em up game. Enslaved tries to pull in features from other games, how well does that work? I will tell you, I beat the game in 1 sitting. About 6 hours. Here's my review ...

Remember Randy Pitchford said he loves this game. You have to comb every corner of the Enslaved world and pick up little orange orbs that are like money in the game. You can talk to your partner chick (Who's name is Trip and she is kinda hot. For being all smelly and dirty.) Trip has this wonderful store she can access, full of upgrades to your health and shield. She can also mod your weapon and teach you new fighting moves. Weird how you are running for life with this chick and she has all this stuff with her, but makes me BUY IT. Sad face. Anyway back to the collecting the orbs and Randy Pitchford, did you enjoy picking up every single dollar on the ground in Borderlands?! Please in Borderlands 2, can my guy just automatically suck up whatever money he runs over.

When I watched the FNJimmy golden video review Enslaved Odyssey to the West. I knew I had to play Enslaved. I did and I beat the shit out of it. I had all the moves the main guy can unlock by level 4 or 5. Pro-tips: I don't ever level health or shield or armor in these games early on or most games for that fact. I believe that if you are good in the combat you don't need to worry about your health. Needless to say, I was beating the shit out of these things fairly easy. Which brings me to the enemies. There are only 4 types of enemies. Mechs, which is exactly what they call them in the game, come out in a few different classes. All railable immediately if you knew what you are doing with the combat. Giant dogs, which are called .. dogs. I know what you are thinking. There is one giant Rollie Pollie boss fight. Another scene you fight scorpions, which in the game are called scorpion mechs. lol.

The game is easily PWNable in 8 hours or less. The characters are the best part of this game. They are all well acted, well voiced and well written. I laughed a few times when the writing in the game made fun of how stupid the gameplay is. Platforming rig comes out of the side of the building and there's a switch at the top - hit switch. Another platforming rig on the other side of the symmetrical building comes out with another switch at the top. "Oh are you kidding me with this crap?" Says the main character. I like that stuff. I didn't mind doing those chores in the game because I got a little laugh out of them once in a while.

The final battle was worth the play through for me and the story ending wasn't that bad either. Like I said, the game has good writing. FNJimmy told me he beat the game and it was only 12 chapters. Well when I was on chapter 14 and 4am playing this, I knew I was fucked. Still some of the best platforming comes in at the end of the game. The puzzles and the combat were still all bullshit. The ending is definitely a highlight for the game and I don't mean when the actual credits roll.

The combat is the major problem here, it's bland and aggravating. Even while blocking I would take a pounding. It was real difficult to keep control of the fights. The camera is definitely not your friend at all while playing Enslaved. With the combat it just came down to timing special moves, when I knew I could use them most effectively. To just smashing the X or Y button, because any type of chain combo with two buttons did nothing sepcial. Smash on X until your "Rod" glows then hit Y. The Jimmy does this awesome 10 hit combo. It's completely automatic and goes in whatever direction you're facing. Pretty bad. The A button also got worked over pretty well. The platforming that some might say LOOKS like Uncharted 2, PLAYS nothing like Uncharted 2. As long as you're smashing the A button and rotating the thumb stick toward which ever way you wanted to go, he just jumped. No big deal, hanging from the side of moving air-trains or dangling over bottomless pits. The main guy would jump and catch on, or swing through, with out ever being in any danger. Unless he was getting shot at, but c'mon, nubfarm.

I beat this game in 1 sitting. Call what you will, I call it PWNn. I wouldn't waste your money on this game. It's already at a very low price, but it's not even worth it. There's tons better stuff for you, that you could be playing right now! Why are you even reading this? Enslaved Odyssey to the West get a ...

Flush it!

Make sure you check out FNJimmy's Golden Video review.

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Enslaved Odyssey to the West Gouki Box Art

3 Stories

Release Date: Oct 5, 2010

Buy it! 15% - Rent it! 45% - Flush it! 40%

Yes, but could you tell when the mechs were about to attack you? :)

BatRastered rated Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Rent it
Dec 14, 2010 by BatRastered

DE bad shot

flush the PS3

DE bad shot has not rated Enslaved: Odyssey to the West yet.
Dec 14, 2010 by DE bad shot


It's multiplatform reh-tard.

goukijones rated Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Flush it
Dec 14, 2010 by goukijones


Damn Jimmy No Love For The Reh-Tard That Is Monkey?

Cinderkin rated Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Flush it
Dec 15, 2010 by Cinderkin


i played this game on xbox its killer

kof2012 rated Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Rent it
Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012


I think they were just hoping to cash in fast, not much chance that this game sold well after word of mouth got around.

DragonKiss83 rated Enslaved: Odyssey to the West Flush it
Feb 27, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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